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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From cyberpunk.lol

ctrlaltglitch :heart_sp_trans: :anarchy_a_nonbinary: (@ctrlaltglitch@cyberpunk.lol)

3 4

Attached: 1 image *** MUTUAL AID REQUEST *** :boost_request: Hello all! It's Glitch, your friendly neighborhood mod over here at cyberpunk.lol! I am trans nonbinary, neurodivergent individual and I am unable to work due to chronic illness. I need help to cover bills, personal and household...

#disabled #crowdfund #mutualaid #helpfolkslive #transcrowdfund #transmutualaid #mutualaidrequest #disabledmutualaid #helpfolkslive2025 #disabilitycrowdfund

on Mon, 10PM


From cyberpunk.lol

ctrlaltglitch :heart_sp_trans: :anarchy_a_nonbinary: (@ctrlaltglitch@cyberpunk.lol)

2 2

Attached: 1 image *** MUTUAL AID REQUEST *** :boost_request: Hello all! It's Glitch, your friendly neighborhood mod over here at cyberpunk.lol! I am trans nonbinary, neurodivergent individual and I am unable to work due to chronic illness. I need help to cover bills, personal and household...

#disabled #crowdfund #mutualaid #helpfolkslive #transcrowdfund #transmutualaid #mutualaidrequest #disabledmutualaid #helpfolkslive2025 #disabilitycrowdfund

6h ago


From trussell.org.uk

Cruel cuts to disability support: the Prime Minister needs to hear from your MP

1 3

Our social security system should be there for us all, especially when we need it most. But the UK government is making huge cuts to disabled people’s support when they’re already three times more likely to face hunger. A plan to slash payments and rip support from disabled people who most need...

#pip #poverty #disabled #pipreform #benefitcuts

10h ago


From bigissue.com

Disabled people 'falling out of work' due to months-long waits for DWP support

1 1

The government is on a mission to ensure that more disabled people are in work, but the Access to Work scheme is 'overstretched'.

#disabled #accesstowork

on Nov 4


From www.gov.uk

Sharing information and experiences at Maritime Accessibility Conference

1 1

Disability organisations and maritime transport operators from across the country have come together for the Maritime Accessibility Conference 2025.

#disabled #maritime #transport #disability #accessibility

7h ago


From disabilitynewsservice.com

Access to Work’s 12-week backlog, as DWP offers ‘work for free’ advice to PAs

1 1

A disabled university lecturer says her job was put at risk by the failure of the Department for Work and Pensions to deal with a huge backlog in Access to Work (AtW) applications. Daisy Higman, a …

#disabled #accesstowork

22h ago


From military.com

Fired Veterans Call Widespread Trump and Musk Federal Job Cuts a Betrayal of Their Service

1 1

Veterans who were fired from the federal workforce in the wave of the Trump administration job cuts called their dismissals a betrayal of their service to the nation in uniform and in the civil service.

#disabled #veterans #uspolitics

on Mar 18

Showing first 10 out of 13