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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From abc.net.au

'Unexplained death in a public space': Man found unresponsive at Adelaide park

1 1

Police are investigating the "unexplained" death of a man who collapsed on his usual walk at North Adelaide on Sunday morning.

#crime #police #deathanddying

7h ago


From abc.net.au

Will new Tasmanian hate crime laws make a difference?

1 1

The Tasmanian government is planning new laws that will better recognise hatred and prejudice as a motivation for crimes, but there are fears the changes won't work without better resourcing and systems for police.

#laws #courts #police #discrimination #madeleinerojahn #lawcrimeandjustice #stateandterritorygovernment

15h ago


From abc.net.au

From the blue line to the red carpet, retired cop takes a bow

1 1

Former police officer Russell Reynolds has acted in Hollywood films, but as the curtain rises on the next stage in his life, he's shining a light on how to help at-risk youth. 

#police #petersanders #performingarts #regionalcommunities

13h ago


From abc.net.au

Police scouring Brisbane River for man in his 20s

1 1

Authorities are searching for a man in his 20s who they believe fell into Brisbane River early this morning, in the city's south-west.

#police #gemmaferguson #missingperson

13h ago


From abc.net.au

Did police overlook another victim of aged care killer Garry Davis?

1 1

An ABC investigation reveals police may have failed to identify another victim of convicted healthcare killer Garry Davis, who was found guilty of murdering two nursing home residents and attempting to kill a third by injecting them with lethal doses of insulin.

#police #echohui #agedcare #homicide #ginamckeon #ninahkopel #anneconnolly

19h ago

Showing first 8 out of 8