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From palestinevaincra.com

Samedi 13 juillet à Toulouse, rassemblement contre la présence de représentants israéliens au Tour de France et aux Jeux Olympiques

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Samedi 13 juillet dès 18H place Arnaud Bernard à Toulouse, plusieurs collectifs et associations appellent à se rassembler contre le génocide à Gaza et pour dénoncer la présence de représentants isr…

#gaza #genocide #palestine

5h ago

From writeworks.uk

Ukraine Daily Summary - Saturday, July 6 2024

2 2

What Ukraine's partial Chasiv Yar withdrawal actually means -- F-16s will challenge Russia's aerial dominance over Black Sea -- Meduza: 120,000 Russian troops killed in Ukraine -- Russia faces difficulties with Chinese imports as Beijing tightens control -- and more

#News #f16s #modi #nato #Odesa #Putin #homes #india #orban #ports

10h ago

From thehindu.com

Israeli strikes kill six in Gaza, including kids and U.N. worker, as truce talks show signs of progress

2 2

Israeli airstrikes in Gaza kill civilians, including children and UN workers, amid stalled cease-fire talks with Hamas.

#law #News #press #policy #justice #genocide #Democracy #government #journalism #HumanRights

18h ago

From youtube.com

Where is Humanity Going to Shid Now? Ep 1

2 2

One of the symptoms of The Enshittenment is the inability to told more than 1 truth at the same time

#uk #un #bds #gaza #hamas #Israel #uspoli #cdnpoli #genocide #apartheid

on Nov 30

From fnv.nl

Dit is wat we doen

1 1

Samen bereiken we meer. Verhalen en cases die onze doelen kracht bij zetten.

#cu #bbb #icc #icj #pvv #cidi #gaza #pvdd #Biden #sinai

4h ago

From infosec.exchange

Erik van Straten (@ErikvanStraten@infosec.exchange)

1 1

@Libby_@mstdn.social schreef onder meer: "FNV ... duidelijker inzet voor de situatie in #Palestina, ..." M.i. een SLECHT PLAN (overigens ben ik al ruim 40 jaar lid van de FNV). WAT KAN DE FNV M.I. HET BESTE DOEN (1) Organiseer een landelijke vredesdemonstratie, dus TEGEN...

#cu #bbb #icc #icj #pvv #cidi #gaza #pvdd #Biden #sinai

4h ago

From instagram.com

Bisan Owda on Instagram: "In twelve hours.. dozens were killed and injured, 5 of them were journalists.."

1 1

134K likes, 2,543 comments - wizard_bisan1 on July 6, 2024: "In twelve hours.. dozens were killed and injured, 5 of them were journalists..".

#gaza #Israel #genocide #palestine

7h ago

From instagram.com

Palestina em Português on Instagram: "PT: 355 balas para matar uma criança de 6 anos. Hind Rajab, prometemos nunca deixar de contar ao mundo o que te aconteceu. [English below]

Uma investigação forense descobriu que o carro em que Rajab foi morta tinha sido atingido por 355 balas, com a maioria das entradas provenientes do lado direito do veículo.

A investigação foi conduzida pela Forensic Architecture, pela Fault Lines da Al Jazeera e pela ONG Earshot.

A Forensic Architecture afirmou que a arma utilizada para este ataque “disparava a uma distância de 750-900 tiros por minuto”, e que esta distância excede a da espingarda de assalto do tipo AK que é normalmente atribuída aos combatentes da resistência palestiniana que operam em Gaza.

“Esta gama de disparos por minuto é consistente com o armamento do exército israelita, como a espingarda de assalto M4 ou a metralhadora FN MAG de um tanque Merkava”, diz a investigação.

A proximidade significa que o tanque deve ter sido capaz de ver dentro do veículo, com os investigadores a concluírem: “Não é plausível que o atirador não pudesse ter visto que o carro estava ocupado por civis, incluindo crianças”.
 EN: 355 bullets to kill a 6-year-old. Hind Rajab, we promise to never stop telling the world what happened to you. A forensic investigation found that the car in which Rajab was killed had been hit with 355 bullets, with most of the entries coming from the right side of the vehicle. The investigation was conducted by Forensic Architecture, Al Jazeera’s Fault Lines and the NGO Earshot. [Edited due to character limits— see original post for full caption.] Via @wearthepeace Article @middleeasteye"

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942 likes, 18 comments - palestinaemportugues on July 5, 2024: "PT: 355 balas para matar uma criança de 6 anos. Hind Rajab, prometemos nunca deixar de contar ao mundo o que te aconteceu. [English below]

Uma investigação forense descobriu que o carro em que Rajab foi morta tinha sido atingido...

#gaza #genocide #apartheid #warcrimes #racisthatred #waronchildren #terroriststate

9h ago

From uiowa.edu

Troades (abridged) | Ancient Exchanges

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Matthew Stokdyk translates from the ancient Greek. Original by Euripides.

#gaza #drama #poetry #genocide #translation

13h ago

From canadiandimension.com

Righteous student activism and evolving anti-Palestinian reprisal in Canada

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The fight for Palestinian freedom—as well as for Canadian democracy—will be long and arduous. And it will require our collective resistance to evolving tactics of censorship. The TMU law students, and all the students setting up encampments around the world (including in Israel), have had an...

#cdnpoli #justice #canadian #genocide #Democracy #censorship #HumanRights #palestinian #ceasefirenow #freepalestine

20h ago

From gofundme.com

Donate to Seeking Safety: Help Me and My Family Escape Gaza’s Crisis, organized by Mohammad Alhabil

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Hello World, My name is Mohammad Alhabil. I am a 24-year-… Mohammad Alhabil needs your support for Seeking Safety: Help Me and My Family Escape Gaza’s Crisis

#aid #war #Food #care #fund #gaza #help #life #live #post

on Fri, 9PM

From palestinechronicle.com

Israel’s Targeting of Pro-Palestinian Voices has Grown More Pernicious since Oct 7 - Analysis

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The Shirion Collective is an Israeli disinformation network that offered “bounties” for information on pro-Palestinian activists. 

#hasbara #zionism #genocide #palestine #warcrimes

on Fri, 2AM

From agendamilitant.org

Stop au génocide à Gaza !

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Ce n’est pas parce que les médias aux ordres ne parlent plus de la Palestine et que tout est focalisé sur les élections législatives, que nous allons nous abstenir de manifester pour l’arrêt du (...)

#gaza #genocide #apartheid #palestine

on Wed, 2PM

From youtube.com

Indian reporter DESTROYS American professor - Drops TRUTH BOMBS!

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Indian reporter DESTROYS American professor - Drops TRUTH BOMBS!#arnabgoswami#india#america#drones#war#onthefence#newsreporter#vocabulary#lecture#hypocrisy#a...

#uk #un #bds #gaza #siege #Israel #uspoli #cdnpoli #genocide #apartheid

on Jan 31

From youtube.com

Scottish National Party MP Stephen Flynn says Israel is guilty of collective punishment

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Scottish National Party MP Stephen Flynn urged Israel to impose an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during his speech at the UK parliament on Monday. Flynn said I...

#uk #bds #truth #Israel #uspoli #cdnpoli #genocide #apartheid #ceasefire #palestine

on Oct 25