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From theguardian.com

Why fascists hate universities | Jason Stanley

12 12

Authoritarians and would-be authoritarians are only too aware that universities are primary sites of critique and dissent

#News #Florida #fascism #hungary #Pakistan #Politics #farright #genocide #highered #tennessee

on Sep 6

From nytimes.com

Yale Scholar Banned After A.I. News Site Accuses Her of Terrorist Link

11 16

The deputy director of a liberal project at Yale Law School was put on leave over allegations that she is linked to Samidoun, a group the U.S. government has said funds terrorists.

#ai #usa #gaza #musk #groks #uspol #israel #speech #genocide #highered

8h ago

From middleeasteye.net

Israeli forces used 80-year-old Palestinian as human shield before killing him

10 11

Israeli forces strapped explosives around the neck of an elderly Palestinian who used a walking stick and forced him to inspect areas used by Hamas before killing him and his wife

#ICJ #bds #icc #iran #syria #fascism #lebanon #moskito #genocide #invasion

on Feb 16

From aljazeera.com

Dr Hussam Abu Safiya’s lawyer reveals abuse he faces in Israeli prison

5 5

Dr Hussam Abu Safiya’s lawyer reveals the abuse and degrading treatment he faces in Israeli prison.

#vsn #health #israel #genocide #aljazeera #worldnews #humanrights #gazagenocide #terroriststate #israelwarcrimes

5h ago

From bbc.com

Gaza war: UN experts accuse Israel of 'genocidal acts' and sexual violence

4 4

Israel strongly rejects the findings of the report and accuses the UN Human Rights council of antisemitism.

#gaza #news #israel #genocide #israelwarcrimes #bbc

4h ago

From amnesty.nl

Laat de Israëlische ambassade weten: no more genocide

4 4

!De tijd tikt! Elke dag is er wéér risico op burgerslachtoffers. Kom in actie en stuur je bericht naar de Israëlische ambassade

#amnesty #israel #knesset #petitie #genocide #mensenrechten #gaza

6h ago

From aljazeera.com

Israel’s attacks on reproductive healthcare in Gaza ‘genocidal’: UN experts

4 4

UN experts say Israel ‘intentionally attacked and destroyed’ the Palestinian territory’s main fertility centre.

#vsn #gaza #genocide #aljazeera #worldnews #ethniccleansing

11h ago

From nytimes.com

At Columbia, Tension Over Gaza Protests Hits Breaking Point Under Trump

4 7

There were protests, arrests, the departure of the school’s president. Then, a new administration arrived in Washington.

#nyc #usa #gaza #trump #israel #genocide #palestine #freespeech #humanrights #studentactivism

19h ago

From truthout.org

Report: Israel Demolishing Nearly Everything in “Buffer Zone” Along Gaza Border

4 4

The “buffer zone,” in which Israel has destroyed most structures, encompasses 16 percent of the land area of Gaza.

#vsn #News #Israel #genocide #warcrimes #leftistnews #gaza

on Sep 5

From nos.nl

Geuzenpenning uitgereikt aan groep die oorlogsmisdaden in Oekraïne vastlegt

3 3

De organisatie wil slachtoffers van Russische agressie beschermen en de leiding van de Russische Federatie en andere plegers van oorlogsmisdaden voor het gerecht brengen.

#nos #nieuws #rusland #agressie #genocide #oekraine #palestijnen #slachtoffers #oorlogsmisdaden

1h ago

From cnn.com

Protesters arrested after storming Trump Tower to demand release of Mahmoud Khalil | CNN

3 3

Nearly 100 people were arrested after protesters gathered at Trump Tower in Manhattan Thursday to denounce the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian activist detained by ICE over his involvement with pro-Palestinian demonstrations at Columbia University.

#gaza #protest #genocide #palestine #resistance #goodtrouble #jewishvoiceforpeace

3h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

3 3

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#israel #israeli #zionism #genocide #westbank #zionists #apartheid #netanyahu #palestinians #freepalestine

19h ago

From aljazeera.com

Updates: Israel threatens to ‘open the gates of hell’ on Gaza

3 4

Hamas says Israeli attack that killed policemen in southern Gaza a ‘serious violation’ of ceasefire deal.

#usa #gaza #blood #isreal #america #facists #genocide #westbank #complicit #netanyahu

on Feb 17

From skwawkbox.org

Video: Belgian MEP slams ‘complicit’ EU as colleagues laugh about Gaza slaughter

2 2

“That’s the hallmark of this European Union today, a contempt for the lives of Palestinians” – Marc Botenga Genocide is a laughing matter for many MEPs, apparently. MEP Marc Boten…

#gaza #zionist #palestine #skwawkbox #warcrimes #ethniccleansing #eu #genocide

2h ago

From democracynow.org

“Locked in a Cage”: U.S. Doctors in Gaza Denounce Israeli Blockade on Territory

2 2

A new report by United Nations experts says Israel has carried out “genocidal acts” against Palestinians in Gaza, including the destruction of women’s healthcare facilities, intended to prevent births, and the use of sexual violence as a strategy of war. This comes as talks on resuscitating the...

#bds #icc #icj #unrwa #racism #thehague #westbank #apartheid #warcrimes #neveragain

4h ago

From ledevoir.com

L’ONU qualifie d’«actes génocidaires» les attaques d’Israël contre la santé reproductive à Gaza

2 2

Les conclusions d’une commission d’enquête onusienne sont «fausses et absurdes», estime Nétanyahou.

#un #onu #gaza #israel #genocide #palestine

5h ago

From writeworks.uk

Ukraine Daily summary - Thursday, March 13 2025

2 2

Ex-envoy to Russia on Trump's negotiating strategy: 'incredibly bad' -- Trump said Ukraine is 'more difficult to deal with' than Russia; that might be about to change -- Ukraine doesn't trust Russia but wants to show readiness for peace -- Russian intelligence recruited teenagers for terrorist...

#eu #sbu #fico #iran #news #china #homes #kursk #maxar #odesa

5h ago

From nrc.nl

VN: Israël heeft genocidale daden begaan in Gaza

2 2

Volgens een nieuw rapport van de Verenigde Naties heeft Israël twee „genocidale daden” begaan in Gaza sinds 7 oktober 2023. „De [VN-]commissie is van mening dat Israëlische autoriteiten de reproductiecapaciteit van Palestijnen als groep gedeeltelijk hebben vernietigd, onder meer door maatregelen...

#un #gaza #israel #genocide

8h ago

From chroniquepalestine.com

Quand parler en faveur de la Palestine devient un crime

2 2

Le combat pour libérer Mahmoud Khalil ne consiste pas seulement à préserver les droits du Premier Amendement, il s'agit de savoir si nous allons tolérer que le gouvernement criminaliser la résistance, en se rendant complicice des violations des droits de l'homme et du génocide.

#lobby #slider #genocide #etatsunis #palestine #politique #solidarite #nousrecommandons

12h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

2 2

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#usa #gaza #iran #syria #tikto #canada #cdnpoli #lebanon #genocide #democracy

14h ago

From writeworks.uk

Ukraine Daily summary - Wednesday, March 12 2025

2 2

Putin unwilling to compromise on Ukraine, sets maximalist demand -- Half of Ukrainians say territorial concessions, forfeiting NATO membership in exchange for ending war completely unacceptable -- Ukraine targets Russian oil facilities in Moscow, Oryol oblasts in mass strike overnight -- Do...

#eu #iran #kyiv #nato #news #odesa #oryol #putin #trump #france

21h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

2 2

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#genocide #owenjones #fakeantisemitism #freepalestinenow #germany #melanieschweizer

on Wed, 9PM

From substack.com

Trump didn't invent the Gaza ethnic cleansing plan. It's been US policy since 2007

2 4

Trump’s innovation is not the threat to 'clean out' Gaza. It is dropping a long-standing aim to dress up Palestinian expulsion as a peace plan

#gaza #genocide #palestine #jonathancook

on Feb 17

From writeworks.uk

Ukraine Daily summary - Sunday, February 16 2025

2 2

'Putin is weak. We must use that;' Zelensky's Munich speech in 5 key quotes -- Zelensky calls for creation of 'army of Europe' amid US support uncertainty. -- France to host emergency summit on Ukraine as Trump administration and Russian officials set to begin peace negotiations without Europe...

#g7 #dead #liar #news #orel #Putin #homes #paris #trump #berlin

on Feb 16

From palestinechronicle.com

Who is Marco Rubio, US Secretary of State and Top AIPAC Recipient- PROFILE

2 2

Marco Rubio, one of the Israel lobby’s top-paid politicians, is driving an aggressive, pro-Israel foreign policy.

#usa #gaza #zionist #genocide #warcrimes #ethniccleansing #palestine

on Feb 16

From nrc.nl

Hamas: Israël doodde drie Palestijnse agenten tijdens bestand

2 2

Het Israëlische leger heeft met een droneaanval een drietal Palestijnse agenten gedood die een humanitair transport bij Rafah beveiligden. Dat stelt Hamas zondag, meldt persbureau Reuters. Volgens de terreurgroep gaat het om een „ernstige schending” van de afspraken rondom de wapenstilstand....

#israel #genocide

on Feb 16

From npa-revolutionnaires.org

[DOSSIER] 80e anniversaire de l’ouverture d’Auschwitz par l’Armée rouge - NPA Révolutionnaires

2 2

Sommaire du dossier La mise à mort de six millions de Juifs d’Europe par l’Allemagne nazie La destruction des Juifs d’Europe — Quand l’horreur capitaliste atteint un zénith Génocides : 80 ans après la libération d’Auschwitz Quelques ouvrages sur le génocide juif

#shoah #memoire #genocide #auschwitz #histoiresdelashoah

on Feb 16

From skwawkbox.org

Met Police disrupts this Saturday’s massive anti-genocide march – to suit small pro-Israel rally

2 2

Pro-Palestinian groups say police attacking democracy and civil rights in last-minute two-hour delay Anti-genocide groups have accused the Metropolitan Police of deliberate disruption of a huge pro…

#acab #gaza #london #genocide #skwawkbox #antigenocidemarch #marchforpalestine #metropolitanpolice

on Sep 6

From thepinknews.com

Trans civil servants report rise in bullying, harassment and discrimination

2 2

New data from the government has showcased a worrying rise in discrimination against trans civil servants compared to last year.

#uk #hate #rise #media #terfs #women #tories #bigotry #alarming #bullying

on Sep 5

From youtube.com

- YouTube

2 4

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#bds #icc #icj #gaza #unrwa #Israel #racism #genocide #thehague #westbank

on Sep 5

From erininthemorning.com

Major Conservative Super Pac Releases First Anti-Trans Ads, Rehashing Failed Strategy

2 5

A major Conservative Super Pac, the Senate Leadership Fund, has released its first set of ads targeting Democratic Senators in swing states. Most feature anti-trans messages.

#ads #News #hate #USpol #lgbtq #swing #trans #women #failed #states

on Sep 5

From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

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#iof #gaza #europe #looting #zionist #genocide #kernowdamo #crossdressing #punchazionist #zionistentity

1h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

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#ramadan #genocide #makethemstop #prayers4palestine

1h ago

From rtl.nl

Oorlogsmisdrijven en genocide: dit doet het Internationaal Strafhof

1 1

Duterte, Poetin en Netanyahu: voor alle drie vaardigde het Internationaal Strafhof een arrestatiebevel uit. Dat gebeurt niet zomaar: je wordt dan verdacht van ernstige internationale misdrijven. In deze video leggen we uit wat het Internationaal Strafhof doet.

#icc #poetin #duterte #genocide #netanyahu

3h ago

From mastodon.social

Susan Ville (@villebooks@mastodon.social)

1 1

📲 The 🔵 UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, held a press conference in Geneva on 13 March 2025 to launch their latest investigative report. The Commission found that Israel has increasingly employed sexual,...

#gaza #press #video #geneva #replay #genocide #westbank #palestine #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity

7h ago

From fidh.org

Israel ignores European Union’s core human rights requests

1 1

After the European Union (EU) Israel Association Council meeting of 24 February 2025, Israel’s violations of international law continue, exposing (…)

#usa #gaza #trump #israel #hasbara #genocide #zionazis #netanyahu #palestine #warcriminals

12h ago

From vvd.nl

Onze liberale waarden - VVD

1 1

De VVD is een liberale partij. Dat betekent dat wij een samenleving met zo veel mogelijk vrijheid voor mensen willen. Wij zitten in de politiek om dat te bereiken. De keuzes die wij maken komen voort uit onze vijf liberale kernwaarden. Die waarden zijn voor ons cruciaal bij de grote politieke...

#vvd #cidi #genocide #medeplichtig

23h ago

From palestinechronicle.com

LIVE BLOG: Ansarallah Reimposes Blockade | Gaza Starves | Talks Continue – Day 523

1 1

Israeli forces detained 30 Palestinians, including former prisoners, in raids across the occupied West Bank.

#gaza #hamas #press #israel #zionism #genocide #barbarism #bloodlust #palestine #warcrimes

on Wed, 10PM

From sydneycriminallawyers.com.au

Melbourne Symphony Again Attempts to Silence Pianist Jayson Gillham on Truth and Justice

1 1

International classical pianist Jayson Gillham is taking legal action against the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for cancelling him over comments made about the Gaza genocide.

#gaza #rafah #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #antinazi #classwar #genocide

on Wed, 10PM

From t.me

Antifascist Solidarity

1 1

The international classical pianist is taking legal action over his cancellation for comments made about the Gaza genocide. https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/melbourne-symphony-attempts-to-again-silence-pianist-jayson-gillham-on-truth-and-justice/

#gaza #rafah #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #antinazi #classwar #genocide

on Wed, 10PM

From theintercept.com

ICE Secretly Hauled Mahmoud Khalil to Louisiana as Retaliation, Lawyers Allege

1 9

By moving campus activist Mahmoud Khalil to a new jurisdiction, ICE disrupted court proceedings and limited his legal access, his attorneys say.

#gaza #fascism #genocide #palestine #kakistocracy

on Tue, 3PM

From mintpressnews.com

Love From Glasgow to Gaza: Why Celtic FC Fans Support Palestine

1 3

Defying bans and fines, Celtic fans continue to champion the Palestinian cause, drawing from their club’s deep roots in anti-colonial struggle. Now, they’re spearheading the movement to kick Israel out of international football., Celtic FC, Celtic FC refugee origins, Celtic Green Brigade...

#gaza #iran #syria #tikto #cdnpoli #ireland #lebanon #genocide #democracy #palestine

on Mon, 5PM

From rabble.ca

Palestinian Solidarity North of 60

1 1

Even in the far-north, the voices calling for peace and justice for Palestinians are active and won't be silenced.

#nwt #gaza #arctic #genocide #solidarity #humanrights #palestinian #freepalestine

on Feb 17

From thejc.com

She was the UN’s special adviser on genocide. They didn’t want to listen to her - The Jewish Chronicle

1 1

Alice Wairimu Nderitu refused to call Israel’s war in Gaza a genocide. For this she was abused and bullied

#un #gaza #press #israel #nderitu #genocide

on Feb 17

From thenational.scot

Scottish fire engine sent to Palestine impounded by Israel for six months

1 1

A fire engine donated to Palestine by Scottish firefighters has been impounded by Israel for over six months.

#zionist #genocide #scotland #palestine #warcrimes #ethniccleansing

on Feb 17

From theguardian.com

Netanyahu says Israel working closely with US on Trump’s 'bold vision' for Gaza – video

1 1

Israeli PM and US secretary of state express joint support for ‘bold vision’ that would force 2 million people to leave

#gaza #uspol #genocide

on Feb 17