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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From thenational.scot

Robin McAlpine: Here's how I would totally transform the SNP

1 1

There are no simple or comfortable answers to a political implosion. In fact there is no single, simple cause. The SNP just accumulated too many…

22h ago

From thenational.scot

Owen Jones: This is Starmer's high point. The big question is what now?

1 1

REJOICE: the Tories have been obliterated ...

11h ago

From thenational.scot

Pat Kane: SNP need to take time to consider what indy really means for us all

1 1

MANY Tory grotesques fell deliciously on Thursday. But so did many strong and principled SNP MPs. They were swept away by a Scottish electorate,…

9h ago

From thenational.scot

Scottish Government responds to recommendations from Cass Review by clinical team

1 1

THE Scottish Government has published its response to the recommendation made by an independent team regarding how the Cass Review can be applied to…

14h ago

(Showing 4 out of 4.)