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From digbysblog.net

Mr Fitness - Digby's Hullabaloo

1 1

https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1708102400668561890 https://twitter.com/nycjim/status/1808237860153446558 Aaaaand this from someone who has been leading the piranha press pack: That's where we are right now folks. I just don't think Biden in his weakened condition...

#vsn #News #leftistnews

5h ago


From digbysblog.net

Independence Day - Digby's Hullabaloo

1 1

https://twitter.com/UnrealBluegrass/status/1808497914919940264 This may end up being the worst 4th of July ever...

#vsn #News #leftistnews

6h ago


From shutterstock.com

Commercial Photography: A Comprehensive Guide

1 1

Commercial photography is a surprisingly important aspect of many businesses. Learn more about this vital skill and how it helps businesses.

#vsn #News #leftistnews

12h ago


From digbysblog.net

Vaporware For President - Digby's Hullabaloo

2 2

Biden must go? And then what? Will Bunch observes: Over the course of a remarkable weekend, I saw the best minds of my boomer generation destroyed by madness — newspaper columnists and other big shots convinced they were cosplayers in a real-world episode of The West Wing, saving...

#vsn #News #leftistnews

16h ago


From digbysblog.net

Abortion Is Still Salient - Digby's Hullabaloo

1 1

Sorry, Village media... https://twitter.com/brahmresnik/status/1808530883806417112 This issue is not going away no matter how much the media wants to sound the Democratic party's death knell: https://twitter.com/KFILE/status/1808307679078604827 By the way, Ed Martin was fired...

#vsn #News #leftistnews

8h ago


From nakedcapitalism.com

Links 7/3/2024 | naked capitalism

2 2

Our rolicking daily links: kidding kidders, deadly slapping cult, bird flu, Covid surges, climate change induced food price increases, EU v. China again, Keyna protests, France far right freakout, Gaza starvation, bar spying, moar Biden tug-of-war, Trump cases postponed, US car sales stall,...

#vsn #News #leftistnews

18h ago


From politicususa.com

Thug Trump Goes After Stormy Daniels’ 13-Year-Old Child

2 2

In yet another story of Donald Trump harassing witnesses, Stormy Daniels told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that Donald Trump is trying to get her 13-year-old daughter’s address.

#vsn #News #leftistnews

16h ago


From washingtonblade.com

Rehoboth’s Purple Parrot still soaring after 25 years

1 1

Owners Hugh Fuller and Troy Roberts reflect on keys to their success

#vsn #News #leftistnews

16h ago


From thenation.com

LaToya Ruby Frazier Rewrites the Rules of Documentary Photography

1 1

A new career survey at the MoMA is a perfect illustration of the photographer's mission: to reframe how viewers see the working-class and low-income people whom she counts as kin.

#vsn #News #leftistnews

19h ago


From msmagazine.com

Remembering the Late Faith Ringgold—the Black Feminist Artist Who Knew Who She Was

1 1

The late Faith Ringgold was a feminist, an activist, a teacher, a mother and an artist known for her innovative use of mediums, ranging from the more traditional oil on

#vsn #News #leftistnews

9h ago


From phys.org

Experts warn of sewage, E. coli in Missouri River: Flooding could make quality worse

3 3

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment advised residents last week to stay out of the Missouri River due to contamination from raw sewage and E. coli bacteria. Five days later, the river is still dangerous to enter—both due to high water levels and contaminants from upstream.

#vsn #News #ecoli #flood #floods #sewage #waters #science #flooding #Environment

16h ago


From phys.org

Lawsuit claims Irmo plant polluted Saluda River with toxic chemicals

3 3

A hulking manufacturing plant in Irmo is being accused of contaminating the lower Saluda River and drinking water supplies after dumping toxic forever chemicals into the scenic waterway and its floodplain for years.

#vsn #News #irmo #river #saluda #science #pollution #Environment #leftistnews

16h ago


From progresspond.com

Wanker of the Day: Michelle Cottle - Progress Pond

1 1

There's no reason to assume that the First Lady is incapable of thinking of the greater good or having an accurate picture of her husband's health.

#vsn #News #leftistnews

11h ago


From progresspond.com

Midweek Cafe and Lounge, Volume 363 - Progress Pond

1 1

Welcome to the Frog Pond! If you're new here, make sure to visit our FAQ!I had just finished listening to an album on Spotify (most likely Patti Smith Group’s Radio Ethiopia) when Spotify’s algorithm tried to figure out what to do after that LP. This was one of the first songs get played: Needless to […]

#vsn #News #leftistnews

2h ago


From nakedcapitalism.com

2:00PM Water Cooler 7/3/2024 | naked capitalism

2 2

Today's Water Cooler: Politics, syndemis; Jill Biden, Vogue cover girl; Stevie Nicks and Taylor Swift; Great Barrington grifters.

#vsn #News #leftistnews

10h ago


From phys.org

Compact cities found to have lower carbon emissions but poorer air quality, less green space and higher mortality rates

3 3

What types of cities exist in Europe and which are more favorable in terms of human health, environmental quality and carbon footprint? To answer these questions, a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) has analyzed 919 European cities.

#vsn #News #science #Environment #leftistnews

7h ago


From digbysblog.net

The Long Road To The Imperial Presidency - Digby's Hullabaloo

1 1

In 1973 the Senate Watergate Committee uncovered a plan that had been hatched three years earlier by a man named Tom Charles Huston, a White House liaison to the Interagency Committee on Intelligence (ICI), a group chaired FBI Director  J. Edgar Hoover to monitor

#vsn #News #leftistnews

11h ago

Showing first 20 out of 60