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51 215 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From theguardian.com

Tory wipeout bingo: online sellers cash in with election games and wallcharts

2 6

Games allow players to rack up points for ‘Portillo moments’ and D:Ream plays as Labour landslide projected

#britain #Election #ToryScum #ukpolitics #tories

on Wed, 11AM


From t-online.de

Parlamentswahl in Großbritannien: Warum Rishi Sunaks Partei ein Debakel droht

1 1

Die konservativen Tories könnten bei der heutigen Unterhauswahl ein historisch schlechtes Ergebnis einfahren. Wie konnte es so weit kommen?

#Sunak #tories #großbritannien

6h ago


From youtube.com

Conservative Party Emergency Election Broadcast

1 1

A last-ditch emergency broadcast to save the Conservative Party from getting obliterated at the 2024 UK General Election.Parody, obviously.

#eu #bbc #nhs #tax #News #Vote #tory #Sunak #brexit #farage

8h ago


From youtube.com

Rule, Britannia! (excerpt) with Jamie Barton and rainbow flag (BBC Proms 2019)

1 1

See the full Prom on BBC iPlayer (UK only) https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0008l8wListen to this and every Prom on BBC Sounds (UK and international)ht...

#uk #labour #tories #Election

on Apr 20


From youtube.com

GE 2024: A few final words before the election

2 2

Are they mostly swears? Yeah. See you on the other side, my loves.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * You can shout me a coffee/ subscribe here: https://ko-f...

#uk #votes #tories

16h ago


From x.com


1 1

#uk #votes #tories

7h ago


From thecanary.co

Martin Lewis is fuming with the Tories. AGAIN.

2 2

What hope is left for a party whose only line of defence is attacking Martin Lewis - the man who has singlehandedly kept old people warm?

#Sunak #lewis #tories #toryads #martinlewis #nameusedwithoutpermission #identityusedwithoutpermission

1h ago


From mirror.co.uk

101 reasons to boot the Tories out - Partygate scandal to sewage and Liz Truss

1 1

From Rishi Sunak's helicopter usage, fury over the Tories partying while the nation was locked down under strict Covid rules and a burgeoning mental health crisis, to Liz Truss' disastrous stint as PM and spiralling energy costs... there are more than enough reasons to give the Tories a kicking...

#uk #ge24 #gtto #COVID #Sunak #crime #greed #brexit #sleaze #tories

2h ago


From tagesschau.de

Stimmung in Großbritannien: Widerwillig Labour wählen

1 3

70 Prozent stimmten in der englischen Hafenstadt Grimsby für den Brexit. Bei der darauffolgenden Wahl kippte die ehemalige Labour-Hochburg zu den Tories. Heute ist die Ernüchterung groß. Von Valerie Krall.

#gb #brexit #tories

on Wed, 6AM


From workersliberty.org

Vote Labour, but fight for a workers’ government

1 1

We want the Tories out, a Labour government — and a labour movement mobilised to impose our demands on the Labour leaders. That mobilisation — by strikes, demonstrations, and use of the political say that unions have in Labour conferences and committees — will help revitalise the labour...

#Vote #ge2024 #labour #tories #Election #Politics #elections #toriesout #ukpolitics #ukelections

6h ago


From theguardian.com

Did that really happen? 14 years of chaotic Tory government

14 14

How the occupants of No 10 brought us austerity, Brexit, Partygate and an economic crash

#sf #uk #snp #uup #apni #gtto #sdlp #bunny #press #ge2024

12h ago


From theguardian.com

Stephen Lillie on Rishi Sunak’s electoral apocalypse – cartoon

1 4

The Conservatives’ general election continues to lurch from one disaster to another

#uk #ge24 #gtto #COVID #Sunak #crime #greed #brexit #sleaze #tories

on Sun, 4PM


From thebureauinvestigates.com

Five parties accept illegal donations, exposing flaws in…

2 3

Conservatives, SNP, Reform, Lib Dems and Greens took payments from donor not on electoral register

#uk #snp #tbij #greens #tories #LibDems #reformpartei #parteispenden #illegaleparteispenden

on Wed, 12PM


From spiegel.de

(S+) Britische Konservative vor Wahlniederlage: Es droht das Ende der Tories, wie wir sie kennen

1 1

Die Briten wählen: Umfragen sagen der einst erfolgreichsten Partei der Welt ein historisches Desaster voraus. Wie es so weit kommen konnte. Und warum Populist Nigel Farage den Konservativen den Todesstoß versetzen könnte.

#tories #rishisunak #nigelfarage #großbritannien

10h ago


From spiegel.de

(S+) Britische Konservative vor Wahlniederlage: Es droht das Ende der Tories, wie wir sie kennen

1 1

Die Briten wählen: Umfragen sagen der einst erfolgreichsten Partei der Welt ein historisches Desaster voraus. Wie es so weit kommen konnte. Und warum Populist Nigel Farage den Konservativen den Todesstoß versetzen könnte.

#tories #rishisunak #nigelfarage #großbritannien

9h ago


From disabilitynewsservice.com

Sample of disabled people forced onto universal credit shows every one of them now receives less in benefits

1 1

Every one of a sample of about 100 disabled people forced onto universal credit is now receiving less in benefits than when they were transferred from so-called legacy benefits, analysis of their c…

#dwp #tories #benefits #disabled #leighday #disabilities #legacybenefits #universalcredit #managedmigration #disabilityrightsuk

18h ago

Showing first 19 out of 19