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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From theregister.com

FreeDOS turns 30 shortly after FreeBSD turns 31

5 7

Anniversary time and both are going strong into their 30s

#it #News #itnews #freebsd #freedos

on Wed, 7AM

From theregister.com

Kernel tweaks improve Raspberry Pi performance, efficiency

3 3

There's a lot of room for improvement in modern computing, from the low end to the very high

16h ago

From theregister.com

Bare metal can come back, says Gartner, citing VMware prices

3 4

Hype Cycle for datacenter techs also includes augmented reality, new types of memory, nuke power

on Wed, 5AM

From theregister.com

Tech luminaries criticize UN Digital Compact

3 3

Tim Berners-Lee, Vint Cerf and more from orgs like IETF, W3C, IANA worry if techies are ignored the web could end up centralized

#国連 #著名人 #prattohome #theregister #openinternet #デジタル・コンパクト

on Wed, 6AM

From theregister.com

RIP: WordPerfect co-founder Bruce Bastian dies at 76

2 2

Tributes paid to passionate LGBTQ+ equality champion

22h ago

From theregister.com

Supreme Court orders rethink of anti-content-moderation laws

2 6

Sites and apps aren't given a say? That doesn't seem very free speech

on Tue, 3AM

From theregister.com

So much for green Google – emissions rise 48% since 2019

2 4

AI datacenters blamed for the increase, even as Chocolate Factory bets on AI to fix it

#排出量 #prattohome #theregister #グリーン #データセンター #google

on Wed, 12AM

From theregister.com

Switzerland to phase out analog FM broadcasts by end of 2024

2 2

Time to upgrade that receiver if you're one of the few Swiss that still don't have one able to receive DAB+ signals

#fm #dab #srg #ukw #スイス #prattohome #theregister #アナログ #デジタル #スイス放送協会

23h ago

From theregister.com

Microsoft Stores all close their doors in China

2 2

Slump in Surface sales suspected as one reason for move online

#it #News #itnews #microsoft

on Wed, 3AM

From theregister.com

'Almost every Apple device' vulnerable to CocoaPods

2 10

Dependency manager used in millions of apps leaves a bitter taste


on Tue, 8AM

From theregister.com

An arc welder in the datacenter: what could go wrong?

1 5

Not much if wielded by the experienced and careful operator in this story – but he was not the only actor in this tale

on Mon, 8AM

(Showing 20 out of 64.)