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From theregister.com

Kremlin killed our VPN in Russian App store, claim devs

7 7

Mozilla shows guts with its extensions – but that's the way the Cook, he crumbles

#it #News #vpns #Apple #Putin #Russia #itnews #kremlin #mozilla #Technology

21h ago

From theregister.com

Bust this Ghostscript bug or risk a big breach, say experts

7 10

There's also chatter about whether medium severity scare is actually code red nightmare

#it #pdf #News #adob #itnews #脆弱性 #postscript #prattohome #ghostscript #theregister

on Fri, 1PM

From theregister.com

Epic accuses Apple of breaking DMA after denying storefront

5 5

After button brouhaha, CEO rages Cupertino 'must be stopped'

#it #News #itnews

14h ago

From theregister.com

Utility firms protest AWS datacenter 'free rider' power deal

5 8

AEP and Exelon challenge electricity arrangement between power plant and colo DC

on Wed, 7PM

From theregister.com

Algorithmic wage discrimination: Not just for gig workers

4 4

What's in the box! No seriously, what's in there that sets our wages

#it #News #itnews

7h ago

From theregister.com

The untold impact of Qilin's attack on London hospitals

4 11

Skin-sparing mastectomy and breast reconstruction scrapped as result of ransomware at supplier

#it #News #itnews #hacking #Ransomware #cybersecurity

on Fri, 6PM

From theregister.com

Police allege 'evil twin' in-flight Wi-Fi used to steal info

3 9

Fasten your seat belts, secure your tray table, and try not to give away your passwords

12h ago

From theregister.com

FTC ban on noncompete clauses stayed by Texas court

2 4

That was quick: Supremes' gutting of Chevron deference is already paying dividends

#it #ftc #News #itnews #scotus #裁判所 #prattohome #theregister #テキサス #競業禁止

on Fri, 7PM

From theregister.com

Oracle releases experimental next-gen kernel build

2 3

UEK-next is bleeding edge – unlike most CentOS-alikes

on Fri, 10AM

From theregister.com

We've banned Chinese telco kit and drones. Next: bikes?

2 4

DJI builds a power pack for off-road two-wheelers

on Fri, 2AM

From theregister.com

How tech went from free love to pay-per-day

1 12

FOSS, AI, blockchain, and the cycle of empty nonsense

#it #News #itnews

3h ago

From theregister.com

Paessler brings in subscription for network monitoring tool

1 1

Customers seek alternatives after claiming costs up from perpetual

#it #News #itnews

4h ago

From theregister.com

Boeing reacquires troubled supplier Spirit, spun off in 2005

1 1

Because the best place for a troubled supplier is beneath the wing of original parent company

8h ago

From theregister.com

Nvidia forecast to bounce back in China to the tune of $12B

1 4

Company's sales in the region have dropped under US plan to curb country's AI hopes

#it #News #itnews

on Fri, 4PM

From theregister.com

Europol says mobile roaming tech is hampering crimefighters

1 6

Privacy measures apparently helping criminals evade capture


on Fri, 9AM

From theregister.com

Bare metal can come back, says Gartner, citing VMware prices

1 7

Latest datacenter Hype Cycle also includes augmented reality, new types of memory, nuke power


on Thu, 3PM

From theregister.com

Hackers of Indonesian government apologize and give key

1 9

Brain Cipher was never getting the $8 million it demanded anyway


on Thu, 6AM

From theregister.com

FCC says T-Mobile US unit failed blind customer

0 1

Assurance Wireless must sort out accessibility after handing customer a phone without a screen reader

on Fri, 9PM

From theregister.com

Rare earth replacements for EVs don't measure up - for now

0 1

'We're not there yet' on development of motors without them

on Fri, 8PM

From theregister.com

Experimental Mir-based tiling WM winning acceptance

0 2

Miracle-WM takes several more steps forward

on Fri, 4PM

From theregister.com

Db2 is a story worth telling, even if IBM won't

0 7

Promise of AI features, but Big Blue won't reveal much more about next steps of its highly regarded relational database

on Fri, 2PM

From theregister.com

Few would envy tech in-tray of UK's new Labour government

0 4

Looming train wrecks face winning party after it promises investment and innovation

on Fri, 11AM

From theregister.com

Alibaba Cloud closing Australian and Indian datacenters

0 1

Prioritizing Mexico and Southeast Asia

on Fri, 8AM

From theregister.com

Innocent techie jailed for taking hours to fix storage

0 0

Hello, hello … what have we here? One very dangerous storage admin, if I'm not mistaken

on Fri, 7AM

From theregister.com

Time Lords decree no leap second needed in 2024

0 1

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, even if Earth is spinning out

on Fri, 7AM

From theregister.com

Samsung predicts prodigious profit pop

0 0

Bad news: It's probably because you have to pay more for RAM

on Fri, 4AM

From theregister.com

Kindle e-readers couldn't download content for around a day

0 0

Support line reports 'high volume of contacts' about the problem

on Fri, 3AM

From theregister.com

Final curtain call nears for Atos restructuring saga

0 1

Investors will be hoping so anyway

on Thu, 6PM

From theregister.com

Traeger smokes security bugs threatening grillers' hard work

0 2

Never risk it when it comes to brisket – make sure those updates are applied

on Thu, 4PM

From theregister.com

AST SpaceMobile promises seamless US satellite phone service

0 1

Yet all its birds remain resolutely earthbound

on Thu, 2PM

From theregister.com

Cloudflare offers 1-click block against web-scraping AI bots

0 6

Take that for ignoring robots.txt!

on Thu, 12PM

From theregister.com

Datacenter demand driven by AI, squeezed by power shortages

0 2

Not content with drinking up all our water, now we'll compete with DCs for power

on Thu, 11AM

From theregister.com

US folk still buying in 3rd-party antivirus, more so the old

0 2

Wisdom of the oldies or just a traditional fear of malware?

on Thu, 11AM

From theregister.com

EFF urges US trade watchdog to chase deceptive chatbots

0 1

And hit AI operators 'with all the fines', says Cory Doctorow

on Thu, 10AM

From theregister.com

Row erupts over data sharing function in UK doctor software

0 1

Union advises members to turn off features government introduced to allow third parties to update records

on Thu, 10AM

From theregister.com

Microsoft tells yet more customers their emails have been stolen

0 1

Plus: US auto dealers still offline; Conti coders sanction; Rabbit R1 hardcoded API keys; and more

on Thu, 9AM

From theregister.com

Europol and pals band together in Cobalt Strike disruption

0 1

Private sector helped out with week-long operation – but didn't touch China

on Thu, 9AM

From theregister.com

Amazon axes Astro robotic watchdog for businesses

0 1

Now even the 'droids are being laid off – sheesh!

on Thu, 9AM

From theregister.com

So much for green Google – emissions rise 48% since 2019

0 5

AI datacenters blamed for the increase, even as Chocolate Factory bets on AI to fix it

on Thu, 7AM

From theregister.com

ITER delays first plasma for world’s biggest tokamak

0 2

Who could have guessed that giant magnets capable of constraining mini-suns would be hard to build?

on Thu, 7AM

From theregister.com

Australia to build Top Secret cloud in AWS for defence users

0 0

Interoperability with US infrastructure a big selling point

on Thu, 5AM

From theregister.com

China filed most Gen AI patents since 2013

0 0

You think the US leads the field? Wrong – OpenAI is way down WIPO's charts

on Thu, 3AM

From theregister.com

Meta banned from training its AI using Brazilians' data

0 0

Zuckerborg's justification isn't good enough, says watchdog

on Wed, 9PM

From theregister.com

UN agency wags finger at Russia for satellite interference

0 1

European neighbors say interference comes from Moscow and Kaliningrad, Kremlin claims it didn't find anything

on Wed, 5PM

From theregister.com

Affirm to SEC: Customer info feared stolen in Evolve breach

0 2

Number of partners acknowledging data theft continues to rise

on Wed, 4PM

From theregister.com

Patelco outage caused by ransomware, systems pulled offline

0 0

Late fees? Don't worry, the credit union has you covered

on Wed, 4PM

From theregister.com

Linux Mint 22 beta sprinkles Cinnamon desktop on Ubuntu

0 2

Taste at your own risk

on Wed, 3PM

From theregister.com

Kernel tweaks improve Raspberry Pi performance, efficiency

0 3

There's a lot of room for improvement in modern computing, from the low end to the very high

on Wed, 3PM

From theregister.com

Vodafone, VMO2 renew network sharing deal

0 0

Vodafone chasing Three, but BT's complained borged entity would have 'disproportionate' capacity

on Wed, 1PM

From theregister.com

EU regulators charge Meta with pay-or-consent DMA violations

0 1

Facebook, Instagram gobble up same data whether you hand over cash or not

on Wed, 1PM