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Correlated tags: #firefox


From github.com

Release [servicing] Nettify v1.5.5.2: Addresses! · Aptivi/Nettify

1 1

This version of Nettify fixes the ISP list. Changes This release contains a variety of changes, including, but not limited to: [*] Fixed ISP list Review the commit history if you want to get a de...

#mail #news #tech #email #update #mozilla #nettify #autoconfig #technology #thunderbird

16h ago


From wordpress.com

Our Sincere Apology

1 1

We sincerely apologize for your inconvenience regarding the most recent release of our project, which is Textify 2.4.0, and how we had handled the release. We’d usually audit our releases bef…

#mail #news #tech #email #update #mozilla #nettify #autoconfig #technology #thunderbird

on Oct 17


From wordpress.com

Nettify’s Thunderbird Autoconfig Incident

1 1

Addresstigator was unveiled on January 4th, 2022, with one idea in mind: to easily allow C# programs to determine the server configuration from just one e-mail address using Thunderbird’s Aut…

#mozilla #nettify #technews #autoconfig #techupdates #thunderbird

16h ago

Showing first 4 out of 4