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From slashdot.org

Microsoft's AI CEO: Web Content (Without a Robots.txt File) is 'Freeware' for AI Training - Slashdot

4 4

Slashdot reader joshuark shared this report from Windows Central Microsoft may have opened a can of worms with recent comments made by the tech giant's CEO of AI Mustafa Suleyman. The CEO spoke with CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin at the Aspen Ideas Festival earlier this week. In his remarks, Suleyman ...

#ia #roubo #internet #microsoft #Technology #tecnologia #AI

5h ago

From appleinsider.com

Eddy Cue on Apple's service innovations and teamwork

4 4

In a new interview Eddy Cue has spilled the beans on what his daily use hardware is, what Apple execs actually do, and like the most.

#rim #imac #ios9 #ipad #Apple #Nokia #adobe #ibook #intel #ios_9

16h ago

From slashdot.org

Cancer Patient Forced To Make Terrible Decision After Ransomware Attack On London Hospitals - Slashdot

4 4

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Register: The latest figures suggest that around 1,500 medical procedures have been canceled across some of London's biggest hospitals in the four weeks since Qilin's ransomware attack hit pathology services provider Synnovis. But perhaps no single person...

#windows #security #microsoft #Ransomware

19h ago

From heise.de

Bridgeüberraschung und Vollformat-Pixii – die Fotonews der Woche 27/2024

3 3

Panasonic modernisiert eine sieben Jahre alte Kamera, Pixii stellt einen weiteren Exoten vor und Microsoft hält das ganze Internet für "Freeware".

#News #kamera #microsoft #fotografie #Urheberrecht #kunstlicheintelligenz

on Sat, 9AM

From redhotcyber.com

Sorpresa per Windows: Microsoft Copilot è stato Installato per Errore!

2 2

Un errore nell'aggiornamento del browser Edge ha installato involontariamente Microsoft Copilot su Windows 10 e 11. Scopri i dettagli e la soluzione.

#AI #it #cti #News #online #copilot #hacking #privacy #windows #microsoft

1h ago

From digitaltrends.com

Here's how much RAM Windows 11 actually uses | Digital Trends

2 2

Windows 11 may use more RAM than Windows 10, but how much is it exactly? We'll tell you everything you need to know about Windows 11 RAM usage.

#ram #Windows11 #microsoft #performance

8h ago

From thecyberexpress.com

Threat Actors Exploit Microsoft SmartScreen Vulnerability: Cyble Researchers

2 2

Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) researchers have uncovered an active campaign exploiting a Microsoft SmartScreen vulnerability to inject infostealers

#cyble #microsoft #threatactors #firewalldaily #cyberattacknews #thecyberexpress #CyberSecurityNews #informationstealer #threatintelligence #thecyberexpressnews

12h ago

From techspot.com

Microsoft patents a system that encrypts documents so you can read them in public without being visually hacked

2 2

A recent Microsoft patent describes a system that encrypts a document, making it indecipherable to anyone other than the reader. The technique encodes the document by modifying...

#patents #microsoft

20h ago

From n-tv.de

Wenn Vodafone der toten Mutter schreibt

2 2

Der Energieversorger schreibt: "Ihr Zählerstand ist nicht eindeutig". Nicht mal eine Stunde später kommt: "Ihren Zählerstand haben wir erhalten." Was denn nun? Der technische Fortschritt hat seinen Preis - und seine Auswüchse. Unser Kolumnist erlebt sie jede Woche. Er fühlt sich dumm und überfordert.

#Vodafone #chatbots #microsoft #international

on Sat, 9AM

From economedia.ro

Bogdan Putinică, șeful Microsoft România, despre burnout, hobby-uri și provocările pe care le întâmpină un manager. „Dacă simt că nu mai pot, mă opresc, fac o pauză și merg mai departe”

1 1

Cu toții ne-am confruntat măcar o dată în viață cu burnout din cauza locului de muncă solicitant. Bogdan Putinică, country manager Microsoft România și

#rusia #știri #burnout #romania #putinica #microsoft

2h ago

From microsoft.com

Connect to a Linux VM using Bastion and Key Vault without a private key file

1 1

In enterprise environments, requirements often demand the use of private networks, resulting in VMs not being assigned Public IP addresses. In such cases,..

#microsoft #techcommunity

9h ago

From elguerre.com

Automate E-Commerce Product Descriptions with .NET, Microsoft Semantic Kernel & SLM (Phi-3)

1 1

In the highly competitive world of e-commerce, the quality and accuracy of product descriptions can make the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart. Detailed, attractive, and we…

#AI #tech #dotnet #ecommerce #microsoft #automation #innovation #semantickernel

16h ago

From si.com

Call of Duty Finally Coming to Xbox Game Pass

1 1

The Xbox Game Pass will soon include Activision games. The Xbox Game Pass is a subscription service that gives gamers access to a rotating library of games tha

#cod #xbox #games #gaming #gamepass #microsoft #callofduty

19h ago

From linkedin.com

Markus Feilner on LinkedIn: #nationalsecurity #eu #germany #us #taxes #corruption #privacyshield…

1 1

Opensource is a question of #NationalSecurity. Especially for the #EU and #Germany, but also for anybody outside the #US. We must not put some maybe soon…

#suse #opensuse #microsoft #opensource #softwareimports #nationalsecurity #opensuseconference

20h ago

From microsoft.com

Build your own copilot with Microsoft Azure AI Studio   | Microsoft Azure Blog

1 2

Microsoft Azure AI Studio accelerates the generative AI development lifecycle, empowering organizations with AI. Read our customer stories.

#azure #cloud #devdigest #microsoft

20h ago

From microsoft.com

Lesson Learned #506:Why Custom DNS Returns Public IP Instead of Private IP Azure Private Endpoints

1 1

These days, I was working on a simulation to understand why custom DNS servers resolve the public IP instead of the private IP when using Azure Private..

#microsoft #techcommunity

23h ago

From youtube.com

Der ultimative Guide, um eure Xbox zu personalisieren! | Xbox Tech Guide

1 1

Eure Konsole ist eure Leinwand und ihr habt die Möglichkeit eure Xbox zu etwas ganz Besonderem zu machen. Wie einfach das funktioniert, erklären wir euch in ...

#xbox #gaming #xboxdach #microsoft

on Sat, 9AM

From microsoft.com

How hollow core fiber is accelerating AI   | Microsoft Azure Blog

1 1

Hollow Core Fiber is an innovative optical fiber that is set to optimize the Microsoft Azure global cloud infrastructure. Learn more.

#azure #microsoft

on Jun 30

From microsoft.com

Microsoft is a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms  | Microsoft Azure Blog

1 1

Microsoft is a Leader in this year’s Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms. Learn more.

#azure #microsoft

on Jun 30

From microsoft.com

Build exciting career opportunities with new Azure skilling options | Microsoft Azure Blog

1 1

In this blog, we’ll look at some of the Microsoft Azure skilling resources that were featured at Build 2024 to help you attain proficiency. Learn more.

#azure #microsoft

on Jun 30