E-Waste Recycling & Solutions Melbourne | Limitless Recycling
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Discover sustainable E-Waste Recycling & Solutions with Limitless Recycling. Safeguard the environment while managing electronic waste responsibly.
7h ago
Amazon launches under-$20 online storefront to compete with Temu
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Company says Amazon Haul will mostly feature products under $10, which it plans to ship from China warehouse
#e #China #shein #amazon #usnews #Worldnews #Technology
on Thu, 1AM
Meta Fined $840 Million in Europe for Boosting Marketplace Unfairly
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Meta said it would appeal the decision by the European Union, which said the company had abused its dominance in social networking to strengthen its shopping and classified ads service.
#e #fines #SocialMedia #facebookinc #EuropeanUnion #metaplatformsinc #vestagermargrethe #suitsandlitigation #antitrustlawsandcompetitionissues #regulationandderegulationofindustry
22h ago
Nárazová odorizace plynu pomůže lépe objevit netěsnosti v rozvodech
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Od pondělí 18. do pátku 22. listopadu letošního roku je pro celou Českou republiku a všechny distributory naplánovaná nárazová odorizace plynu. Společnost EG.D, člen skupiny E.ON, ji provede v Jihočeském kraji a na Pelhřimovsku. Odběratelé musí v těchto dnech počítat se zvýšeným zápachem zemního...
#e #plyn #odorizace #bezpecnost
23h ago