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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From thecooldown.com

Here's how you can get your share of $8.8B in Inflation Reduction Act home energy rebates

5 5

Rebates created by the Inflation Reduction Act for energy-efficient home upgrades could make their way to many homeowners within months.

#Biden #USpol #solar #energy #climate #rebates #JoeBiden #heatpumps #renewables #solarpanels

18h ago


From sonnenseite.com

Home - Sonnenseite - Ökologische Kommunikation mit Franz Alt

1 1

Franz Alts SONNENSEITE informiert täglich über ökologische Themen, erneuerbare Energie, Klimaschutz, ökologisches Bauen, ökologische Verkehrswende, Verbrauchertipps und aktuelle politische Themen.

#pv #solar #energie #Energiewende #Photovoltaik

13h ago


From astrobin.com


1 1

An astrophotograph by webcubus on AstroBin

#sun #star #solar #qhyccd #sunspots #solarsystem #skywatcherusa #astrophotography

5h ago


From grist.org

The American Climate Corps officially kicks off

3 3

This month, 9,000 people will be deployed to restore landscapes and erect solar panels, helping guide the country toward a greener future.

#Biden #USpol #solar #climate #JoeBiden #democrats #renewables #cleanenergy #fossilfuels #solarenergy

13h ago


From mdr.de

Deutschlands größter Solarpark am Netz

1 1

Heute wird südlich von Leipzig der größte Solarpark Deutschlands offiziell in Betrieb genommen – der Energiepark Witznitz.

#solar #sachsen #Energiewende #erneuerbareenergien

23h ago


From nationalobserver.com

Plan to wean B.C. off fossil fuels avoids vital question: How?

2 2

A new provincial plan charting how B.C. can replace fossil fuels with electricity and low-carbon power offers too few details, observers say. 

#wind #solar #water #bcpoli #oilandgas #electricity #fossilfuels #cleanrenewables

21h ago


From motherjones.com

“Things are moving so quickly” as scientists study this “very scary” climate strategy

1 5

The controversial field of solar geoengineering is hitting its stride.

#solar #geoengineering

on Sun, 11AM


From mdr.de

Energiepark Witznitz: Größter Solarpark Deutschlands in Betrieb | MDR.DE

3 3

Bei Borna wurde am Mittwoch der größte Solarpark Deutschlands offiziell eingeweiht. Auf rund 500 Hektar wurden mehr als eine Million Solarmodule aufgestellt und ans Netz genommen.

#shell #solar #Leipzig #sachsen #microsoft #solarpark #solarstrom #Energiewende #Photovoltaik

19h ago


From theprogressplaybook.com

The EU got more than 50% of its electricity from renewables in first half of 2024

1 1

Three-quarters of the EU's power came from low-carbon sources in the first half — up from 68% in 2023.

#eu #wind #eupol #solar #carbon #climate #nuclear #renewables #cleanenergy #electricity

22h ago

Showing first 12 out of 12