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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From goodnewsnetwork.org

Over 100 Dolphins Saved from Historic Mass Stranding in Cape Cod

2 3

Cape Cod's Herring River ‘Gut’ is a frequent stranding location due to its hook-like shape, and extreme tidal fluctuations.

#animals #goodnews #inspiring #volunteer #marinelife #Conservation #massachusetts

on Fri, 5PM

From goodnewsnetwork.org

He Became a Surgeon Because of Grey's Anatomy – Now He’s a Consultant on the Show

2 2

When he was in the fourth year of his residency at Duke University, an announcement was made that the producers were recruiting consultants.

#Health #Surgery #goodnews #medicine #television #celebrities

17h ago

From goodnewsnetwork.org

World’s Oldest Narrative Cave Painting Is at Least 51,200 Years Old, Scientists Say

2 3

The enigmatic scene depicted on the wall is believed to represent a hunting narrative, but one born of imagination rather than reality.

#art #science #goodnews #indonesia #inspiring

on Fri, 6PM

From goodnewsnetwork.org

U.S. Marshals Find 200 Missing Children Across the Nation During 6-Week Special Operation

2 5

These so-called dangerous situations involved human trafficking, captivity by family relations, or situations of sexual exploitation.

on Fri, 2AM

From goodnewsnetwork.org

‘Out of this World’ UFO Vehicle Pulled Over by Police in 3 States – But They’d Come in Peace

1 1

Traffic cops in three states now have proof of intelligent life, after pulling over a UFO-like vehicle traveling to the Roswell UFO festival.

5h ago

From goodnewsnetwork.org

Astronomers Unveil Jaw-dropping New 3-D Movie of the Pillars of Creation (WATCH) - Good News Network

1 1

A team at NASA unveiled a jaw-dropping new visualization of the Pillars of Creation space formation. Made famous after it was spotted in 1995 by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, the pillars, with their ethereal beauty form the heart of the Eagle Nebula. The new 3D visualization also uses data from...

3h ago

From goodnewsnetwork.org

Recovery of the Bluefin Tuna Achieves Major Goals A Decade Ahead of Schedule

1 1

Coveted for its richness, combination of fattiness, firmness, and ability to hold a sear, bluefin tuna is the most desired of its genus

5h ago

From goodnewsnetwork.org

Toddler Saved from Train Tracks After Falling Seconds Before it Thundered Past

1 2

CCTV footage captured the dramatic near-miss at Newark Northgate railway station in Nottinghamshire last month.

on Thu, 1AM

From goodnewsnetwork.org

‘Give nature space and it will come back’: Rewilding Returns Endangered Species to UK’s South Coast

1 4

Since the 2022 trawling ban, Sussex bay is back to bursting point with sea life, while behind on the hills, famers do their part.

on Wed, 7PM

From goodnewsnetwork.org

Washed up Hi-Tech Tracker Buoys Brilliantly Redeployed to Protect Turtles from 'Ghost Nets'

1 2

Hi-tech GPS-tracking buoys washing up on Australian beaches were a strange find on a day's litter clean-up for the non-profit


on Fri, 12AM

From goodnewsnetwork.org

Having Gratitude Linked to Lower Risk of Death Independent of Confounding Factors, Innovative Study Shows

1 3

The authors noted however that a surprising dearth exists in the amount of insight on gratitude's effects on mortality. 

on Fri, 5PM

(Showing 11 out of 11.)