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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From thomasweibel.ch

Project Meton

1 1

Project Meton: Virtual mechanical moon phase calculator, based on the Metonic cycle and the Antikythera Mechanism gearing.

#greece #webapp #webdev #babylon #newmoon #Fullmoon #dezember #glamhack #opendata #openglam

on Sep 26


From archaeologymag.com

Late Bronze Age swords of the Balearic Islands: a fusion of local and foreign innovations

1 1

A recent study sheds light on the Late Bronze Age swords of the Balearic Islands, dated between 1000 and 800 BCE.

#bronzeage #archeology #archaeology #archaeologynews #balearicislands

on Nov 21


From livescience.com

Anglo-Saxons plagiarized a Roman coin — and it's full of typos

1 2

The pagan Anglo-Saxons copied a gold Roman coin with Christian imagery, but they didn't do a very good job.


on Fri, 3PM


From theguardian.com

16th-century graffiti of Tower of London prisoners decoded for first time

7 7

Once listed as ‘illegible’, the words of inmates held in bleak fortress are revealed by latest technology

#tower #prison #britain #culture #england #inmates #fortress #graffiti #histodon #historic

10h ago

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