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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From archaeologymag.com

Chimpanzees choose stone tools like early human ancestors from 2.5 million years ago

1 1

A new study has shown similarities between how modern chimpanzees and early human ancestors (Oldowan hominins) pick stone tools

#hominin #oldowan #evolution #archeology #chimpanzee #archaeology #anthropology #HumanEvolution #archaeologynews

on Jan 9


From puq.ca

Questions interdisciplinaires en études autochtones

1 1

De quelle façon faire dialoguer des perspectives plurielles sur les enjeux qui se présentent à l’aune des différentes disciplines en études autochtones ? Comment en vulgariser différents concepts et questionnements afin de permettre au grand pu...

#quebec #histoire #indigenous #autochtones #anthropology #indigenousstudies

11h ago


From universityofcalifornia.edu

How a UC Santa Cruz professor unearthed the oldest alphabet yet

6 7

The emerging importance of the find underscores a key truth about archaeology: artifacts often hold secrets that only later generations can unlock.

#history #writing #alphabet #ummelmarra #archaeology #anthropology #humancommunication

on Mon, 10PM

Showing first 9 out of 9