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From archaeologymag.com

Discovery of 700,000-year-old lizard fossil in Tenerife

1 1

Paleontologists on the Spanish island of Tenerife have unearthed a well-preserved, skeleton of a lizard estimated to be around 700,000 years old

#culture #archeology #ofinterest #archeologymagazine

21h ago


From archaeologymag.com

DNA analysis reveals dynastic succession and maternal inheritance among early Celtic elites

1 1

The pre-Roman Iron Age in Western and Central Europe was marked by the rich Celtic culture, which has left behind monumental burial mounds...

#celtic #ironage #archeology #archaeology #dnaanalysis #anthropology #celticculture #archaeologynews

22h ago


From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists uncover the long-lost homestead of King Pompey, early black landowner and leader

1 1

Archaeologists have uncovered what they believe to be the homestead of King Pompey, an enslaved African who gained freedom and became one of the first Black property owners in colonial New England.

#culture #archeology #ofinterest #archeologymagazine

22h ago


From straitstimes.com

World’s oldest artwork discovered in Indonesian cave

1 1

The painting, which is in poor condition, shows three people around a wild pig. Read more at straitstimes.com.

#indonesia #archeology #cavepainting

14h ago


From livescience.com

4,000-year-old rock art in Venezuela may be from a 'previously unknown' culture

2 3

Archaeologists in Venezuela have discovered 20 previously unknown rock art sites that are thousands of years old.

#archeology #archaeology #venezuela #pictograms #SouthAmerica

on Wed, 1AM


From netmassimo.com

Another fossil discovered on the Tibetan Plateau was attributed to a Denisovan

1 1

An article published in the journal 'Nature' reports the results of a study of over 2,500 fossils found in the Baishiya Karst Cave, in the Chinese region of...

#hominins #archeology #denisovans #paleontology #paleoanthropology

6h ago

Showing first 7 out of 7