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From arstechnica.com

Egalitarian oddity found in the Neolithic

8 8

Men, women, and immigrants all seemed to have similar dietary inputs.

#diet #isotopes #neolithic #archeology #science

23h ago

From youtube.com

In Museum Valkenburg: Beelden van Frans Duckers en Collecties van Tom Cremers en Theo Schroijen

1 1

Frans Duckers volgde de Stadsacademie in Maastricht, werkt als zelfstandig beeldend kunstenaar en was docent Beeldende vorming kunstgeschiedenis en gastdocen...

#art #kunst #museum #geology #history #geologie #historie #archeology #valkenburg #archeologie

2h ago

From museumvalkenburg.nl

Beleef de vorige tentoonstelling opnieuw - Museum Valkenburg

1 1

Mocht u de vorige tentoonstellingen gemist hebben, kunt u ze beleven via YouTube: https://youtu.be/oaBIMZb86T0

#art #kunst #museum #geology #history #geologie #historie #archeology #valkenburg #archeologie

3h ago

From archaeologymag.com

Popcorn's discovery 7,000 years ago: archaeologist explores its ancient appeal in the Americas

1 2

How was popcorn discovered? Corn first grew in Central America around 7,000 years ago. It became a staple food for Native Americans for centuries

#maize #archeology

on Fri, 5PM

From archaeologymag.com

Study confirms funerary huts at King Ghezo's palace built with blood of human sacrifice victims

1 1

A new study published in the journal Proteomics has revealed the palace of King Ghezo was constructed using human blood as a binding agent.

#dahomey #slavery #kingghezo #archeology #archaeology #anthropology #humansacrifice #archaeologynews

on Jun 23