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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists uncover ancient Roman city in northwestern France

1 1

In Rennes, northwestern France, archaeologists have uncovered remnants of a vibrant ancient Roman city beneath a 19th-century hospital.

#culture #archeology #ofinterest #archeologymagazine

20h ago

From archaeologymag.com

Wooden barrel of iron lumps raised from 16th century shipwreck

1 1

Marine archaeologists have raised a wooden barrel containing osmond iron from a 16th-century shipwreck off the Baltic coast of Sweden.

#osmond #medieval #shipwreck #archeology #archaeology #archaeologynews #underwaterarchaeology

on Jun 4

From archaeologymag.com

Norwegian farmer discovers rare Viking sword while picking up trash in field

1 1

In a field in southern Norway, a farmer and his son stumbled upon a rare Viking sword while clearing stones for planting.

#vikings #archaeology #vikingsword

on Jun 2

(Showing 3 out of 3.)