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From archaeologymag.com

Discovery of 700,000-year-old lizard fossil in Tenerife

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Paleontologists on the Spanish island of Tenerife have unearthed a well-preserved, skeleton of a lizard estimated to be around 700,000 years old

#culture #archeology #ofinterest #archeologymagazine

21h ago

From archaeologymag.com

DNA analysis reveals dynastic succession and maternal inheritance among early Celtic elites

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The pre-Roman Iron Age in Western and Central Europe was marked by the rich Celtic culture, which has left behind monumental burial mounds...

#celtic #ironage #archeology #archaeology #dnaanalysis #anthropology #celticculture #archaeologynews

22h ago

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists uncover the long-lost homestead of King Pompey, early black landowner and leader

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Archaeologists have uncovered what they believe to be the homestead of King Pompey, an enslaved African who gained freedom and became one of the first Black property owners in colonial New England.

#culture #archeology #ofinterest #archeologymagazine

22h ago

From archaeologymag.com

Earliest multiplication tables discovered in 2,300-year-old Chinese tomb

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Archaeologists excavating at the Qinjiazui archaeological site in Jingzhou, China, have unearthed bamboo slips dating back to the Warring States period.

on Wed, 3PM

From archaeologymag.com

Evidence of Paleolithic rock art discovered in Simanya cave, Spain

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Archaeologists have unveiled Paleolithic rock art within the Simanya Gran cave, located in the municipality of Sant Llorenç Savall, Spain.

on Wed, 2PM

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists uncover ancient Roman city in northwestern France

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In Rennes, northwestern France, archaeologists have uncovered remnants of a vibrant ancient Roman city beneath a 19th-century hospital.

on Mon, 6PM

From archaeologymag.com

Circular healing ritual structure discovered in Tecacahuaco

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Archaeologists have uncovered a pre-Hispanic structure used for healing rites in Tecacahuaco, a town in Hidalgo state.

on Sun, 6PM

From archaeologymag.com

Accidental discovery in Lake Pátzcuaro reveals pre-Hispanic treasures

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A recent accidental discovery on the island of Janitzio in Lake Pátzcuaro, Mexico, has opened a new chapter in the region's pre-Hispanic history

on Sun, 4PM

From archaeologymag.com

Over 40 circular stone formations with children’s cremated remains uncovered in Norway

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During an excavation in Norway, archaeologists discovered 40 circular stone formations, containing the cremated remains of children

on Sun, 1AM

From archaeologymag.com

The Great Wall of China is protected by 'biocrusts'

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Scientists have uncovered the vital role played by "biocrusts" in preserving sections of the Great Wall of China against the relentless forces of erosion

on Sat, 10PM

From archaeologymag.com

New research reveals the Greek lunar calendar tracking in the Antikythera mechanism

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Recent research has unveiled that the Antikythera mechanism tracked the Greek lunar calendar, rather than the Egyptian solar calendar

on Sat, 9PM

From archaeologymag.com

18th-century brass trade ring unearthed at Colonial Michilimackinac

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Archaeologists have unearthed an 18th-century brass trade ring at Colonial Michilimackinac, a historic fort in Michigan.

on Sat, 5PM

From archaeologymag.com

Rare bilingual inscription discovered in Saudi Arabia's Tabuk province

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Archaeologists have uncovered a bilingual inscription featuring two lines of Thamudic script alongside one line in early Arabic in the village of Alqan

on Sat, 12AM

From archaeologymag.com

17th century coin hoard unearthed in Wettin, Germany

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During construction work in Wettin, Germany, archaeologists discovered a hoard of 285 silver coins dating back to the 17th century.

on Fri, 10PM

From archaeologymag.com

First case of Down syndrome in Neandertals reveals their altruistic nature

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A team of researchers, including faculty from Binghamton University, has documented the first case of Down syndrome in Neanderthals

on Fri, 6PM

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists uncover remains of 28 horses buried 2,000 years ago

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French archaeologists have uncovered nine graves containing the remains of 28 horses dating back approximately 2,000 years.

on Fri, 6PM

From archaeologymag.com

Ancient Egyptian scribes faced occupational hazards, study finds

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Recent research on skeletal remains from the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Abusir, has uncovered the occupational hazards faced by scribes

on Fri, 4PM

From archaeologymag.com

Rare 1,500-year-old Christian ivory reliquary box discovered in Austria

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Archaeologists have unearthed a 1,500-year-old reliquary from a late antique hilltop settlement in Irschen, Austria.

on Fri, 4PM

From archaeologymag.com

Thousands of ignored ‘nummi minimi’ coins lost by pilgrims discovered in ancient Marea in Egypt

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Numismatists have unveiled a wealth of information about Egypt's monetary circulation at the end of antiquity.

on Jun 27

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists uncover world’s oldest stone needles on Tibetan Plateau

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Archaeologists have unearthed six ancient stone needles near the shore of Lake Xiada Co in western Tibet. These artifacts date back as far as 9000 years...

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists discover 5,300-year-old burial mound, Europe's longest, in Czechia

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During a recent highway construction in Czechia, archaeologists have unearthed one of the largest prehistoric burial mounds in Europe.

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

Viking ship burial unearthed at Jarlsberg Manor in Norway

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Archaeologists have confirmed the discovery of a Viking ship burial at Jarlsberg Manor, located northwest of Tønsberg in Norway.

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

New study debunks myth of Easter Island's ecological collapse

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Recent studies challenge the long-held belief of ecological collapse on Easter Island, revealing that the population remained stable through effective resource management.

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

Scientists debunk 30-year myth linking griffin legends to dinosaur fossils

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Scientists have debunked the long-standing theory that dinosaur fossils inspired the myth of the griffin. The griffin, a legendary creature

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

Roman era tomb guarded by two bull heads discovered in Tharsa, Türkiye

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In the ancient city of Tharsa in Türkiye, archaeologists have unearthed a remarkable Roman-era tomb. Adorned with two carved bull heads...

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

LiDAR uncovers lost Maya settlements in Campeche, Mexico

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Archaeologists have unearthed ancient Maya settlements in the dense forests of Campeche, Mexico, using advanced LiDAR technology.

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

Rewriting history: new discoveries about the ancient Inhabitants of Brazil's coast

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Brazilian researchers have revised the historical narrative of human occupation along Brazil's coast. New analysis of the Galheta IV site...

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

Ancient Roman beach buried by eruption of Mount Vesuvius reopens to public after restoration

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An ancient Roman beach buried 2,000 years ago by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius has reopened to the public at the Herculaneum, Italy.

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

2,000-year-old Roman military sandal with nails discovered in Germany

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Archaeologists have unearthed the remnants of a 2,000-year-old Roman military sandal near an ancient military fort in Oberstimm, Bavaria.

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

Assyrian military camp found, potentially supporting biblical account of angels killing 185,000 soldiers

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Recent discoveries may lend credence to a Biblical story recounting a divine intervention that saved Jerusalem from an Assyrian invasion approximately 2,700 years ago

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists recover a treasure trove of artifacts from Ming Dynasty shipwrecks in South China Sea

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Underwater archaeologists have unearthed over 900 artifacts from two Ming Dynasty shipwrecks in the South China Sea.

on Jun 26

From archaeologymag.com

Mine clearance on Westerplatte Peninsula reveals 4,700 WWII explosives and artifacts

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A mine clearance operation on the Westerplatte Peninsula has unearthed over 4,700 dangerous objects from World War II, along with nearly 3,800 historical artifacts.

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

33 Greco-Roman era tombs uncovered in Aswan

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An Egyptian-Italian archaeological mission has uncovered 33 family tombs from the Greco-Roman period near the Aga Khan Mausoleum in Aswan, Egypt.

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

Isotope analysis reveals men and women had equal access to resources 6,000 years ago

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A study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, analyzed human remains from the Barmaz necropolis.

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

Republican era domus discovered between Palatine Hill and Forum in Rome

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Archaeologists have uncovered an intricately adorned Roman domus situated between Rome's Palatine Hill and the Forum.

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

6th-century ruins discovered in UAE may be the lost city of Tu’am, archaeologists say

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Archaeologists in the Umm Al Quwain region of the UAE have uncovered what could be the lost city of Tu’am, a significant settlement that reached its zenith in the 6th century CE.

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

Medieval silver communion set and 70 silver coins discovered in Hungary

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The National Archaeological Institute of the Hungarian National Museum’s Centre for Public Collections has uncovered significant historical treasures near Lake Tisza.

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

35 glass bottles of fruit from the 18th century discovered at George Washington’s Mount Vernon

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Archaeologists at Mount Vernon, the historic estate of President George Washington, have unearthed a cache of 35 glass bottles dating back to the 18th century

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists uncover 500-year-old Inca children's skeletons showing evidence of smallpox

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Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of smallpox in the remains of two toddlers buried in a 16th-century cemetery in Huanchaco

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists discover first Celtic ritual lake in Poland

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Archaeologists from the University of Warsaw have unearthed the first known Celtic ritual lake site in Poland, dating back to the 3rd century BC

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

9,000-year-old double burial with shaman and infant reveals family mystery through genetic analysis

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A double burial with shaman and infant suggests the possibility that she could have been his fourth-great-grandmother. The burial, dating back to 7000-6800 BCE...

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

Rare 1,000-year-old Byzantine gold coin unearthed in Norwegian mountains

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A metal detectorist exploring the mountains of Vestre Slidre in southern Norway stumbled upon a pristine Byzantine gold coin...

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

Ancient Syrians followed a Mediterranean diet similar to modern practices

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Recent research has revealed the ancient inhabitants of Tell Tweini in Syria sustained themselves on a diet similar to the modern Mediterranean diet

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

Ancient Egypt's sacred baboons had tough lives, new study reveals captivity challenges

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Researchers led by Wim Van Neer from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences unveiled the challenging lives of sacred baboons in captivity

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists uncover trove of burnt bones and ritual artifacts in ancient Roman well near Rome

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Archaeologists have excavated a well near the Temple of Hercules in Ostia Antica, revealing a collection of artifacts linked to ritual feasting

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

Medieval grave slabs recovered from 13th-century shipwreck

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Underwater archaeologists from Bournemouth University have successfully retrieved two medieval grave slabs from a 13th-century shipwreck located off the coast of Dorset, England.

on Jun 25

From archaeologymag.com

World's oldest known painted wooden saddle discovered in Mongolian tomb

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Archaeologists have uncovered a remarkably preserved wooden frame saddle with iron stirrups in an ancient Mongolian tomb

on Jun 24

From archaeologymag.com

Archaeologists uncover mysterious 'blue room' in Pompeii

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Excavations in Pompeii have uncovered a remarkable room with walls painted in a vivid, sky-blue hue, a color seldom seen in Pompeian ruins.

on Jun 24

From archaeologymag.com

Dragon sculpture discovered along Great Wall of China

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Archaeological excavations at the Jiankou section of the Great Wall of China have yielded an exquisite dragon sculpture from the Ming Dynasty

on Jun 24

From archaeologymag.com

Hellenistic-era statue of ‘Dancing Moses’ unearthed in Stratonikeia

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The statue of "Dancing Moses," a figure from ancient mythology, has emerged in Turkey's ancient city of Stratonikeia after 2,175 years.

on Jun 24