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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From themarysue.com

10 best sci-fi fantasy books, ranked

3 3

If you're looking for stories that blur the lines between these two beloved genres, here they are: the 10 best sci-fi fantasy books, ranked.

#sci #dune #books #eisenhorn #fantasybooks #thedarktower #thegodengines #thebrokenempire #hisdarkmaterials #booksduneeisenhornfantasybookshisdarkmaterialsscifithebrokenempirethedarktowerthegodengines

6h ago


From hackaday.com

High Frequency Food: Better Cutting With Ultrasonics

6 10

You’re cutting yourself a single slice of cake. You grab a butter knife out of the drawer, hack off a moist wedge, and munch away to your mouth’s delight. The next day, you’re cut…

#sci #humor #ngated #cooking #techinfood #ycombinator #futuristickitchen #culinaryinnovation #hackernews

on Fri, 5PM

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