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19 132 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From letterboxd.com

Firecracker (1981)

1 1

Femme fatale martial arts expert teaches the mafia a lesson.

#vhs #retro #vintage #vhstapes #nostalgia #collection #vhsaesthetic #vhscollector #vhscollection

16h ago


From rekkerd.org

Multiton Bits releases Vinylized Drum Bits and Frozen Chill Starters

1 1

Multiton Bits has introduced a new sample pack which aims to take you to the times of powerful sounding resampled acoustic drums.

#drums #vinyl #vintage #chillout #downtempo #multitonbits

14h ago

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