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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From arxiv.org

Trace Paley-Wiener theorem for Braverman-Kazhdan's asymptotic Hecke algebra

1 1

Let $\mathbf G$ be a reductive algebraic group over a non-archimedean local field $F$ of characteristic zero and let $G=\mathbf G(F)$ be the group of $F$-rational points. Let $\mathcal H(G)$ be the Hecke algebra and let $\mathcal J(G)$ be the asymptotic Hecke algebra, as defined by Braverman and...

9h ago

From arxiv.org

Ok's relative converse theorem for square integrable representations

1 1

Let $E/F$ be a non Archimedean local field and $ψ:\frac{E}{F}\to \mathbb{C}$ a non trivial character. Using harmonic analysis on Harish-Chandra Schwartz spaces, we prove that if $n$ is an integer at least equal to two and $π$ is a square integrable representation of $GL_n(E)$ such that...

9h ago

From arxiv.org

Sums of squares and sequences of modular forms

1 1

Let $h_n(v)$ be the sequence of rational functions with $$ \frac{h_n(v)}{v}-nh_n(v)+(n-1)h_{n-1}(v)-vh_{n-1}'(v)+\frac{v(v(vh_{n-1}(v))')'}{4}=0 $$ for $n>0$ and $h_0(v)=1$. We prove that $h_n(v)$ has a pole at $v=\frac{1}{n}$ if and only if $n$ is a sum of two squares of integers. Moreover, if...

9h ago

From arxiv.org

Generalized Campana points and adelic approximation on toric varieties

1 1

We introduce a general framework for studying special subsets of rational points on an algebraic variety, termed $\mathcal{M}$-points. The notion of $\mathcal{M}$-points generalizes the concepts of integral points, Campana points and Darmon points. We introduce and study $M$-approximation over...

9h ago

From arxiv.org

Counting Rational Points In Non-Isotropic Neighborhoods of Manifolds

1 1

In this manuscript, we initiate the study of the number of rational points with bounded denominators, contained in a non-isotropic $δ_1\times\ldots\times δ_R$ neighborhood of a compact submanifold $\mathcal{M}$ of codimension $R$ in $\mathbb{R}^{M}$. We establish an upper bound for this counting...

9h ago

From arxiv.org

Refined Counting of Geodesic Segments in the Hyperbolic Plane

1 1

For $Γ$ a cofinite Fuchsian group, and $l$ a fixed closed geodesic, we study the asymptotics of the number of those images of $l$ that have a prescribed orientation and distance from $l$ less than or equal to $X$. We give a new concrete proof of the error bound $O(X^{2/3})$ that appears in the...

9h ago

From arxiv.org

On simultaneous approximation to a real number, its square, and its cube, II

1 1

In a previous paper with the same title, we gave an upper bound for the exponent of uniform rational approximation to a quadruple of $\mathbb{Q}$-linearly independent real numbers in geometric progression. Here, we explain why this upper bound is not optimal.

9h ago

From arxiv.org

TheoremLlama: Transforming General-Purpose LLMs into Lean4 Experts

2 2

Proving mathematical theorems using computer-verifiable formal languages like Lean significantly impacts mathematical reasoning. One approach to formal theorem proving involves generating complete proofs using Large Language Models (LLMs) based on Natural Language (NL) proofs. Similar methods...

#ITP #LLMs #lean4

10h ago

From github.io

VEGS: View Extrapolation of Urban Scenes in 3D Gaussian Splatting using Learned Priors

1 1

Neural rendering-based urban scene reconstruction methods commonly rely on images collected from driving vehicles with cameras facing and moving forward. Although these methods can successfully synthesize from views similar to training camera trajectory, directing the novel view...

8h ago

From github.io

Expressive Gaussian Human Avatars from Monocular RGB Video

1 1

Expressive Gaussian Human Avatars from Monocular RGB Video

8h ago

From github.io

PicoAudio Demo

1 1

8h ago

From github.com

GitHub - Tsuiky/3DRN: Welcome to the 3DRN Dataset Repository! This dataset is aimed at the research and development of methods to remove reflection noise from 3D point clouds.

1 1

Welcome to the 3DRN Dataset Repository! This dataset is aimed at the research and development of methods to remove reflection noise from 3D point clouds. - Tsuiky/3DRN

8h ago

From github.com

GitHub - quniLcs/MAA: the official repo of the paper Fine-Grained Scene Image Classification with Modality-Agnostic Adapter to appear in ICME 2024.

1 1

the official repo of the paper Fine-Grained Scene Image Classification with Modality-Agnostic Adapter to appear in ICME 2024. - quniLcs/MAA

8h ago

From 4open.science

Anonymous Github

1 1

on Oct 31

From github.com

GitHub - OreOZhao/CMR: Code for "Contrast then Memorize: Semantic Neighbor Retrieval-Enhanced Inductive Multimodal Knowledge Graph Completion", SIGIR 2024.

1 1

Code for "Contrast then Memorize: Semantic Neighbor Retrieval-Enhanced Inductive Multimodal Knowledge Graph Completion", SIGIR 2024. - OreOZhao/CMR

7h ago

(Showing 20 out of 1384.)