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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From ucla.edu

CWP at physics.UCLA.edu // Katharine Way

1 1

Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics: Historical archive of profiles of 20th century women who have made original and important contributions to physics. Focuses on the physicist's scientific work, presents brief descriptions of major contributions, and lists important publications,...

#stem #history #katharineway #nuclearphysics #womeninscience

3h ago

From scientificamerican.com

No, Offshore Wind Isn’t What’s Killing Whales

1 5

Politicians and nonprofit groups have blamed offshore wind turbines for whale deaths, but the science doesn’t support those claims—at all

on Jun 26

From scientificamerican.com

To Lead a Meaningful Life, Become Your Own Hero

1 1

From&nbsp; Gilgamesh &nbsp;to&nbsp; Star Wars , the narrative blueprint underpinning many heroic tales can offer a powerful way to reframe experiences

on Oct 30

From scientificamerican.com

Earth&rsquo;s Latest &lsquo;Vital Signs&rsquo; Show the Planet Is in Crisis

1 1

The overall picture of Earth&rsquo;s health is grim, although there are bright spots: solar and wind power are on the rise, and deforestation has slowed

#fossilfuels #climatechange #climatecrisis #globalwarming #climateemergency

on Oct 24

From scientificamerican.com

America’s Hottest City Is Having a Surge of Deaths

1 1

Skyrocketing temperatures are colliding with a lack of planning in Phoenix that is contributing to a rise in heat-related deaths

on May 23

From scientificamerican.com

Not Everyone Has an Inner Voice Streaming Through Their Head

1 1

The extent to which people experience “inner speech” varies greatly, and the differences matter for performing certain cognitive tasks

#science #psychology #foodforthought

2h ago

From scientificamerican.com

We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From Reality

1 6

We are living through a terrible time in humanity. Here’s why we tend to stick our heads in the sand and why we need to pull them out, fast


on Jun 26

From scientificamerican.com

The Biggest Problem in Mathematics Is Finally a Step Closer to Being Solved

1 10

Number theorists have been trying to prove a conjecture about the distribution of prime numbers for more than 160 years

on Mon, 3PM

From scientificamerican.com

The Brilliance Paradox: What Really Keeps Women and Minorities from Excelling in Academia

1 1

How a misplaced emphasis on genius subtly discourages women and Black people from certain academic fields

16h ago

(Showing 15 out of 15.)