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From felix.gripe

The Stranger by Albert Camus | felix.gripe

1 1

Not sure I’m clever enough to buy what Camus is selling but this was a well-written and thought provoking novel about some sort of oddball nihilist murderer.

#book #review #bookstodon #albertcamus

17h ago


From hrmtc.com

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress - The Hermetic Library Blog

1 1

Hermetic Library Fellow T Polyphilus reviews The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress [Amazon, Bookshop, Libro.fm, Publisher, Local Library] by Robert A Heinlein Robert A. Heinlein’s Hugo-winning novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress is politically-oriented “hard” sf from the 1960s. Even if we are still fifty...

#book #moon #review #fiction #moonfiction #revolutions #tpolyphilus #penalcolonies #popularfiction #sciencefiction

14h ago


From cnn.com

Ex-Meta executive: ‘People deserve to know what this company is really like’ | CNN Business

1 1

Meta is once again facing allegations from a former employee that a growth-at-all-costs culture has caused offline harm.

#book #meta #facebook #zuckerberg #deletefacebook #sherlysandberg #sarahwynnwilliams

10h ago


From usmagazine.com

Maria Shriver Was ‘Consumed With Grief’ After Husband’s Affair

1 1

In her upcoming book Maria Shriver dives into feelings of loss and grief after her husband Arnold Schwarzenegger’s affair and the deaths of her parents

#book #biography #celebrity #infidelity #mariashriver #arnoldschwarzenegger

3h ago

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