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20 226 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #bigotry #emptythepews


From thinkingfaith.org

Jesuits and the ‘God Particle’

2 2

Where does this mysterious Higgs boson particle fit into our picture of the universe? Former particle physicist, Fr Andrew Pinsent, explains the science behind the discovery of the Higgs and introduces us to some of the most crucial figures in the centuries of research upon which its prediction...

#cern #higgs #jesuit #physics #catholic #religion #revision #scientism

5h ago


From yle.fi

Church weddings falling out of favour in Finland

1 1

In 2003 the country's churches hosted more than 17,000 weddings, compared to just over 7,000 last year, according to the National Church Council's figures.

#culture #society #religion #churchwedding

4h ago


From servus.at


1 1

Was wurde eigentlich aus dieser Sekte?

#80er #sekte #religion #scientology #waswurdeaus_

18h ago


From youtube.com

creating sickness | recovering from religion [cc]

1 1

This video is dedicated to those recovering from religion.You can support the channel at: https://www.patreon.com/TheraminTrees--For those affected, try this...

#religion #philosophy #psychology #theramintrees

8h ago


From youtube.com

Tout le monde s'engueule sur la laïcité, mais c'est quoi ? Feat "Vous Avez Le Droit"

1 1

Un grand merci à Green-Got pour avoir sponsorisé cet épisode ! Pour en découvrir plus à son sujet et bénéficier de deux mois gratuits, c'est par ici que ça s...

#droit #culture #histoire #religion #vulgarisation

6h ago


From bbc.com

Hathras: Grief and anger after India crush kills 121

3 14

Most of the dead were women - killed as crowds left a packed religious gathering in Uttar Pradesh state.

#hindu #india #festival #religion #stampede

on Wed, 11AM


From jacobin.com

Romila Thapar Is One of India’s Bravest Public Intellectuals

1 3

Romila Thapar has transformed our view of India’s past, questioning myths first devised by British colonial ideologues before they were taken up by Hindu chauvinists. Her courage and integrity have put her at odds with Narendra Modi’s government.

#india #history #religion #nationalism

on Tue, 11PM


From visitsights.com

Free Walking Sightseeing Tours in Wilmington, United States | Visit Sights

1 1

Explore Wilmington in United States with our free walking tours. Discover this city at your own pace and anytime.

#Travel #church #sights #amenity #building #heritage #religion #christian #wilmington #sightseeing

15h ago

Showing first 20 out of 22