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From t.me

Antifascist Solidarity

1 1

The Victorian government is using criticism of the Free Palestine movement to justify the suppression of political dissent. https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/the-ongoing-crackdown-on-the-naarm-palestine-rally-is-targeting-the-right-to-protest/

#law #gaza #naarm #rafah #ausgov #auslaw #auspol #ethics #morals #tasgov

6h ago


From sydneycriminallawyers.com.au

The Ongoing Crackdown on the Naarm Palestine Rally Is Targeting the Right to Protest

1 1

A collective of activists asserts that Victoria is using the political backlash against the Free Palestine movement to implement an antiprotest regime.

#law #gaza #naarm #rafah #ausgov #auslaw #auspol #ethics #morals #tasgov

6h ago

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