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From goodreads.com

Scott's review of The Gates of Polished Horn

1 1

5/5: Being accustomed to Mr. Rayner's flash fiction, which has helped grow his legend as a master of humor, absurdity, and satire, this short story collection was a wonderful surprise. Those traits are still found peppered throughout these stories, but there is more meat to them. Rayner is...

#sff #book #books #review #reviews #bookstodon #literaryfiction

8h ago

From hrmtc.com

King City, Volume 1 - The Hermetic Library Blog

1 1

Hermetic Library Fellow T Polyphilus reviews King City, Volume 1 [Amazon, Bookshop, Publisher, Local Library] by Brandon Scott Graham, part of the King City series This manga-format volume collects the first story arc of Brandon Graham’s typically surreal, black-and-white comic King City. The...

#etc #book #review #kingcity #comicbooks #comicstrips #tpolyphilus #fantasymanga #brandongraham #graphicnovels

11h ago

From bookfunnel.com

Get your FREE copy of Gazoon Heist

1 1

This is my not-so-subtle plea for an honest review of this book upon release. I only need to get 25 reviews in the first week of publication to make a HUGE difference in my sales. Thank you for reading my book! A city in chaos!The theft of a Confederate memorial plunges a once-sleepy Southern...

#book #bookstodon

on Feb 17

From linkedin.com

The second annual edition of Autocade has just arrived, conceived and… | Giles Chapman

1 1

The second annual edition of Autocade has just arrived, conceived and published by my friend Jack Yan and Lucire. In the great tradition of automotive annuals,…

#bok #car #book #waka #coche #livre #voiture #autocade #macchina #pukapuka

on Feb 17

From creativeramblings.com

The ‘After the Fires of Day’ Q&A Series (part 2) | Cendrine Marrouat - Artist

1 1

Welcome to part 2 of The 'After the Fires of Day' Series, in which I answer questions from people around the world about my new book, After the Fires of Day: Haiku Inspired by Kahlil Gibran & Alphonse de Lamartine.

#book #writing

on Feb 17

From southampton.social

Southampton Social

1 1

Welcome to the Southampton Fediverse Instance.

#book #fedi #author #article #fediverse #Bookwriting #fediversebook

on Feb 16

From southampton.social

Southampton Social

1 1

Welcome to the Southampton Fediverse Instance.

#book #fedi #author #article #fediverse #Bookwriting #fediversebook

on Feb 16

From southampton.social

Southampton Social

1 1

Welcome to the Southampton Fediverse Instance.

#book #fedi #author #article #fediverse #Bookwriting #fediversebook

on Feb 16

From southampton.social

Southampton Social

1 1

Welcome to the Southampton Fediverse Instance.

#book #fedi #author #article #fediverse #Bookwriting #fediversebook

on Feb 16

From southampton.social

Southampton Social

1 1

Welcome to the Southampton Fediverse Instance.

#book #fedi #author #article #fediverse #Bookwriting #fediversebook

on Feb 16

From vex.blue

The First 10,000 Words

1 1

So I've been half secretly building a little book for the past week or so that I believe would be a great advantage to the Fediverse. The book is meant to explain to newcomers of the Fediverse what it is and what to expect from it, getting into details about

#book #fedi #author #article #fediverse #Bookwriting #fediversebook

on Feb 16

From sillon-fictionnel.club

le sillon fictionnel | Refuge - Lara Gasparotto

1 1

Le Sillon Fictionnel - Un espace dédié à la passion de la lecture et la culture au sein d’un club un peu atypique. Critiques - livre, art et culture.

#art #book #livre #culture #librairie #mastolivre #photography #photographie

on Feb 16

From felix.gripe

The Castle by Franz Kafka | felix.gripe

1 1

Kafkaesque. Equal parts funny, sad and maddeningly frustrating. Great read.

#book #kafka #review

on Feb 16

From bod.de

Suchergebnisse für: "friedrich s. plechinger"

1 1

Entdecken Sie das besondere Sortiment des BoD Buchshops! Wir bieten eine abwechslungsreiche Vielfalt an Self-Publishing-Titeln von Autoren und Verlagen an, die jedes Buchregal – ob physisch oder digital – bereichern.

#book #buch #books #lesen #bucher #writer #buchtipp #buchhandel #mittelalter

on Jan 24

From bitmapbooks.com

Bitmap Books retro video game books about Commodore. C64, Amiga, more

1 1

Check out every Bitmap Books retro video game books that looks at machines the like the Commodore 64 (C64) and Amiga, and the amazing games we played on them.

#c64 #book #commodore #bitmapbooks #retrogaming #bubblebobble

on Dec 31

From cornell.edu

Unexpected Revolutionaries by Manuela Moschella | Hardcover | Cornell University Press

1 1

In Unexpected Revolutionaries, Manuela Moschella investigates the institutional transformation of central banks from the 1970s to the present. Central banks are typically regarded as conservative, politically...


on Sep 6

From change.org

Have you seen this petition yet?

1 1

Let Readers Read: An Open Letter to the Publishers in Hachette v. Internet Archive:

#book #books #piracy #internet #internetarchive

on Sep 6

From rawchili.com

Devin Booker Is The UNDISPUTED Leader Of The Phoenix Suns But Should He Be?

1 1

Devin Booker Is The UNDISPUTED Leader Of The Phoenix Suns But Should He Be? Leadership comes in many

#kd #nba #beal #book #phnx #refs #suns #vogel #booker #durant

on Sep 6

From medievalists.net

New Medieval Books: Richard of Cornwall - Medievalists.net

1 1

A biography of Richard of Cornwall, the youngest son of King John. He had an eventful career, as a power player in England, a crusader, and as a contender to the throne of the Holy Roman Empire.


on Mar 7, 2024