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From techcrunch.com

OpenAI breach is a reminder that AI companies are treasure troves for hackers | TechCrunch

19 23

There's no need to worry that your secret ChatGPT conversations were obtained in a recently reported breach of OpenAI's systems. The hack itself, while

#space #openai #chatgpt #jupiter #science #solarsystem #spaceexploration #tech #hacking #privacy

20h ago

From arstechnica.com

ITER fusion reactor to see further delays, with operations pushed to 2034

9 9

Full fusion power won't happen until nearly 2040 on new timeline.


20h ago

From arstechnica.com

What we know about microdosing candy illnesses as death investigation underway

8 8

Medical toxicologist walks through what we know and don't know about the cases.


20h ago

From arstechnica.com

Egalitarian oddity found in the Neolithic

5 5

Men, women, and immigrants all seemed to have similar dietary inputs.

#diet #science #isotopes #neolithic #archeology

9h ago

From arstechnica.com

Here’s why SpaceX’s competitors are crying foul over Starship launch plans

5 7

Competitors have tried and failed to keep SpaceX from establishing launch sites before.


on Fri, 8PM

From phys.org

Desert-loving fungi and lichens pose deadly threat to 5,000-year-old rock art

5 6

The Negev desert of southern Israel is renowned for its unique rock art. Since at least the third millennium BCE, the hunters, shepherds, and merchants who roamed the Negev have left thousands of carvings (petroglyphs) on the rocks. These figures are mostly cut into desert varnish: a thin black...


on Fri, 10AM

From sciencealert.com

Butterflies Can Make Epic Atlantic Ocean Voyages, Shocking Scientists

4 4

Some butterflies may be able to journey across entire oceans with the help of the wind.

#News #best #amazing #ScienceAlert #Breakthroughs #science

9h ago

From sciencealert.com

Mysterious Symbols on 4,000-Year-Old Rock Art Hint at an Unknown Culture

4 4

Hidden deep in the highlands of southern Venezuela, archaeologists have uncovered one of humanity's best-kept secrets.

#News #best #RockArt #amazing #history #venezuela #archaeology #ScienceAlert #anthropology #Breakthroughs

20h ago

From smithsonianmag.com

Aphra Behn, the First Englishwoman to Earn a Living With Her Writing, Is Finally Getting Her Due

4 4

A year-long event series aims to champion the pioneering 17th-century writer's legacy

#c18 #books #science #theatre #aphrabehn #literature

on Fri, 9PM

From nature.com

UK election: scientists welcome Labour’s landslide win

4 5

Struggling universities should be near the top of the new government’s agenda, say researchers.

#ukpol #science #universities

on Fri, 4PM

From phys.org

California fires spread in July 4 weekend heat wave

3 3

California firefighters battled multiple blazes in record heat Friday, with a new fire breaking out near the famous Yosemite National Park even as a larger inferno further north came under control.

#vsn #News #science #leftistnews #climatecrisis

5h ago

From arstechnica.com

The greening of planes, trains, and automobiles

3 3

We need new fuels as society moves away from coal, natural gas and oil.

#cars #science

9h ago

From phys.org

Starlings' migratory behavior found to be inherited, not learned

3 3

Young, naïve starlings are looking for their wintering grounds independently of experienced conspecifics. Starlings are highly social birds throughout the year, but this does not mean that they copy the migration route from each other.

#birds #science #starlings

12h ago

From phys.org

Whether children lie depends on the social environment, says study

3 3

Everyone lies—some more, some less. Children are no different. An international team of economists has now investigated the influence of the parental home and upbringing on a child's propensity to lie.

#lying #science

15h ago

From sciencealert.com

Baby Pygmy Blue Whale Spotted Might Be Youngest Ever Seen in Australia

3 3

Scientists have sighted what could be the youngest pygmy blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) ever seen in Australian waters.

#News #best #amazing #ScienceAlert #Breakthroughs #science

20h ago

From nytimes.com

Our Planet Is About to Reach Its Greatest Distance From the Sun

3 11

Earth whirls around the sun in an ellipse, rather than a circle. On Friday the planet will reach its farthest point from its star, known as aphelion.

#science #worthreading

on Thu, 8PM

From phys.org

AI approach optimizes development of antibody drugs

2 2

Proteins have evolved to excel at everything from contracting muscles to digesting food to recognizing viruses. To engineer better proteins, including antibodies, scientists often iteratively mutate the amino acids—the units that are arranged in a sequence to make up proteins—in different...

#AI #genai #science #aiforpharma

4h ago

From phys.org

We mapped the entire bilby genome—and now we can use poo to save Australia's 'Easter bunny' from extinction

2 2

Commonly known as Australia's "Easter bunny" due to its large ears and hopping movement, the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) is the last of its kind. Today we published its reference genome—all 3.66 billion pieces of it.

#poo #bilby #genome #science #macrotis #extinction #faecesomics #Conservation

4h ago

From phys.org

Pongamia trees grow where citrus once flourished, offering renewable energy and plant-based protein

2 2

An ancient tree from India is now thriving in groves where citrus trees once flourished in Florida, and could help provide the nation with renewable energy.


5h ago

From cleantechnica.com

Stellantis Seeks New EV Battery Free From Sketchy Materials

2 2

Stellantis adds another institution to its list of energy storage partners searching for the sustainable EV battery of the future.

#EVs #energy #battery #science #research #batteries #evbattery #automotive #innovation #stellantis

7h ago

From scitechdaily.com

Unprecedented Recovery: Ozone Layer Heals Ahead of Schedule

2 2

Recent findings indicate significant reductions in hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), harmful to both the ozone layer and climate. This success, stemming from the Montreal Protocol, shows that global efforts to phase out these substances are effective, with reductions exceeding earlier predictions.


9h ago

From phys.org

Beryl heads for Texas after causing damage, no deaths in Mexico

2 2

Beryl weakened to a tropical storm Friday after hitting Mexico as a Category 2 hurricane, with fierce winds causing material damage but no injuries along the touristic Yucatan Peninsula.

#vsn #News #science #leftistnews

10h ago

From sciencealert.com

Attractiveness May Influence Teens' Tendency For Risky Behaviors

2 2

The 'cool kids' have always been portrayed as a fun-loving, risk-taking bunch, and a new study suggests this may have some basis in fact – for adolescents back in the 90s, at least.

#News #best #amazing #science #ScienceAlert #Breakthroughs

10h ago

From phys.org

Webb captures a staggering quasar-galaxy merger in the remote universe

2 2

An international research group led by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and comprising 34 research institutes and universities worldwide utilized the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on board the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to witness the dramatic interaction...


13h ago

From phys.org

Webb admires bejeweled ring of the lensed quasar RX J1131-1231

2 2

This new picture of the month from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope features the gravitational lensing of the quasar known as RX J1131-1231, located roughly six billion light-years from Earth in the constellation Crater.


16h ago

From phys.org

Research finds humpbacks were happier during pandemic pause

2 2

University of Queensland-led research has found migrating humpback whales off Australia's east coast became less stressed over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research paper is published in Marine Environmental Research.


19h ago

From eurekalert.org

Smoking a key lifestyle factor linked to cognitive decline among older adults

2 2

The researchers investigated how rates of cognitive decline might differ among cognitively-healthy older adults with different combinations of health-related behaviours, including smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and social contact.

#News #science #smoking #research

20h ago

From labourlist.org

Patrick Vallance made a minister in Keir Starmer's government - LabourList

2 2

Sir Patrick Vallance, the former Government Chief Scientific Adviser who regularly appeared on Britain’s TV screens for Covid…

#ukpol #science #sarscov2

on Fri, 9PM

From scitechdaily.com

Johns Hopkins Researchers Identify New Biological Target for Stopping Parkinson’s Disease Progression

2 2

Johns Hopkins Medicine study finds targeting the Aplp1 and Lag3 interaction could slow the progression of Parkinson’s and potentially treat other neurodegenerative diseases. Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers have discovered a new potential biological target for halting the spread of Parkinson’s di


on Fri, 9PM

From phys.org

High speed video shows hippos get airborne when running

2 3

A pair of evolutionary biomechanics specialists at the University of London's, Royal Veterinary College, has found that when hippos run at full speed, all four of their feet are regularly in the air.


on Fri, 6PM

From goodnewsnetwork.org

World’s Oldest Narrative Cave Painting Is at Least 51,200 Years Old, Scientists Say

2 3

The enigmatic scene depicted on the wall is believed to represent a hunting narrative, but one born of imagination rather than reality.

#art #science #goodnews #indonesia #inspiring

on Fri, 6PM

From aeon.co

An archeological revolution transforms our image of human freedoms | Aeon Essays

2 6

A revolution in archaeology is transforming our picture of past populations and the scope of human freedoms

#culture #history #science #archaeology

on Fri, 3PM

From phys.org

Southern Australia is freezing: How can it be so cold in a warming climate?

2 3

People living in southern Australia won't have failed to notice how cold it is. Frosty nights and chilly days have been the weather for many of us since the start of July.

#climate #science #climatechange #climatecrisis #climatescience #climateemergency

on Fri, 3PM

From smithsonianmag.com

Meet the Taxidermists Who Care for the Animals at Your Favorite Museums

2 7

Only a few U.S. museums still employ the specialists. The rest rely on a small group of highly skilled contractors


on Fri, 12PM

From nytimes.com

Cosmic Research Hints at Mysterious Ancient Computer’s Purpose

2 6

Scientists used techniques from the field of gravitational wave astronomy to argue that the Antikythera mechanism contained a lunar calendar.


on Fri, 10AM

From sciencealert.com

Mixing Energy Drinks With Alcohol Can Impair Brain Function, Study in Rats Shows

2 5

Experiments on rats have shown that mixing energy drinks with alcohol can cause long-term problems with cognitive function, adding to concerns over young adults drinking habits.

#science #cheapthrills #neuroscience #neuropharmacology

on Fri, 6AM

From sciencealert.com

A New Pathway Found in The Brain Could Help Spell The End of Migraines

2 4

A newly discovered communication pathway linking far-flung nerve centers within the brain and skull, and the body beyond, could provide a new target to stop migraine pain in its tracks.


on Fri, 3AM

From retractionwatch.com

‘We authors paid a heavy price’: Journal retracts all 23 articles in special issue

2 7

A journal has retracted an entire special issue over concerns the guest-edited papers underwent a “compromised” peer review process.  In a supplement to Volume 337 Issue 1 of Annals of Operations R…

#AI #aihype #science #academia #research #retraction #artificialintelligence

on Mon, 12PM

From hactivedirectory.com


2 3

This is a private instance for Hactive Directory

#law #USpol #scotus #chevron #science #Politics #bullshit #Environment #climatechange

on Jan 23

From phys.org

A new Australian bill is proposing a human right to housing: How would this work?

1 1

There's a new bill before federal parliament calling for housing to be considered a fundamental human right.


1h ago

From byteseu.com

Indonesian Cave Painting Is Oldest-Known Visual Storytelling. The depiction of three human-like figures interacting with a pig dates to 51,200 years ago.

1 1

Indonesian Cave Painting Is Oldest-Known Visual Storytelling. The depiction of three human-like figures interacting with a pig dates to 51,200 years ago.https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/indonesian-cave-painting-is-oldest-known-visual-storytelling-180984660/

#science #everythingscience

1h ago

From byteseu.com

Research in the US has found that partisan bias significantly influences people’s judgment, leading them to prefer harsher penalties for political violence against those who share their political affiliation compared to political rivals.

1 1

Research in the US has found that partisan bias significantly influences people’s judgment, leading them to prefer harsher penalties for political violence against those who share their political affiliation compared to political...


1h ago

From bytesde.com

Die indonesische Höhlenmalerei ist die älteste bekannte visuelle Erzählform. Die Darstellung dreier menschenähnlicher Figuren, die mit einem Schwein interagieren, ist 51.200 Jahre alt.

1 1

Die indonesische Höhlenmalerei ist die älteste bekannte visuelle Erzählform. Die Darstellung dreier menschenähnlicher Figuren, die mit einem Schwein interagieren, ist 51.200 Jahre alt.https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/indonesian-cave-painting-is-oldest-known-visual-storytelling-180984660/

#science #wissenschaft #everythingscience

1h ago

From phys.org

Team plans 3D modeling project for France's natural history collections

1 1

France's natural history collections contain nearly 6% of the world's total natural specimens across multiple institutions, and the e-COL+ project aims to capture and reconstruct these specimens in 3D for easy access and 3D printing around the world.


1h ago

From bytesde.com

Wissenschaftler entwickeln die weltweit erste anodenfreie Natrium-Festkörperbatterie – ein Durchbruch bei kostengünstigen, sauberen und schnell aufladbaren Batterien. Obwohl es bereits Natrium-, Festkörper- und anodenfreie Batterien gab, ist es bisher niemandem gelungen, diese drei Konzepte erfolgreich zu kombinieren.

1 1

Wissenschaftler entwickeln die weltweit erste anodenfreie Natrium-Festkörperbatterie – ein Durchbruch bei kostengünstigen, sauberen und schnell aufladbaren Batterien. Obwohl es bereits Natrium-, Festkörper- und anodenfreie Batterien gab, ist es bisher niemandem gelungen, diese drei Konzepte...

#science #wissenschaft

1h ago

From phys.org

High-selectivity graphene membranes enhance CO₂ capture efficiency

1 1

Reducing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions is a crucial step towards mitigating climate change and protecting the environment on Earth. One proposed technology for reducing CO₂ emissions, particularly from power plants and industrial establishments, is carbon capture.


1h ago

From phys.org

Researchers reveal how plants protect themselves from viral infection by regulating deacetylation

1 1

In a paper published in Science Bulletin, a team of Chinese scientists demonstrated that TaSRT2 recognized viral protein P153 and induced wheat resistance to CWMV through inhibition of the TaSRT2-mediated deacetylation of H3K9ac and H3K79ac, which eventually activated the expression of...


2h ago

From scitechdaily.com

Matter/Antimatter Black Hole Jets Recreated in CERN’s Laboratory

1 1

The Fireball collaboration used CERN’s HiRadMat facility to produce an analog of the jets of matter and antimatter that stream out of some black holes and neutron stars. At CERN's HiRadMat facility, researchers have created a high-density electron-positron plasma beam that mimics astrophysical je


2h ago