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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From livescience.com

4,000-year-old rock art in Venezuela may be from a 'previously unknown' culture

2 3

Archaeologists in Venezuela have discovered 20 previously unknown rock art sites that are thousands of years old.

#archeology #archaeology #venezuela #pictograms #SouthAmerica

on Wed, 1AM

From livescience.com

Ants perform life saving operations — the only animal other than humans known to do so

2 10

Florida ants perform amputations and clean wounds to prevent the spread of infection, scientists discover.

on Wed, 2AM

From doi.org

Final results of the search for new Milky Way satellites in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program survey: Discovery of two more candidates

1 1

Abstract. We present the final results of our search for new Milky Way (MW) satellites using the data from the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Pro

#Astrodon #astronomy

6h ago

From sciencedaily.com

Too many missing satellite galaxies found

1 2

Bringing us one step closer to solving the 'missing satellites problem,' researchers have discovered two new satellite galaxies.

#Astrodon #astronomy

on Sat, 12AM

From livescience.com

10 unexpected ways Neanderthal DNA affects our health

1 1

Around 2% of the genomes of modern Eurasians contains Neanderthal DNA. Here's how it affects our health.

on May 17

From livescience.com

The Milky Way may be surrounded by 'too many' mini galaxies, new discoveries reveal

1 1

Astronomers have just discovered two dwarf galaxy candidates orbiting our galaxy. The orientation of these entities suggests there could be up to 500 similar stellar clusters circling the Milky Way, which is more than double previous estimates.

#Astrodon #astronomy

7h ago

From livescience.com

New 'petabit-scale' optical disc can store as much information as 15,000 DVDs

1 1

The new disc is based on a material called AIE-DDPR, which has a much higher storage density than other formats.

on Mar 11

From livescience.com

Alien 'warp drives' may leave telltale signals in the fabric of space-time, new paper claims

1 1

A new paper suggests that we may be able to spot alien spaceships hopping between distant stars using "warp drives" because the sci-fi-inspired technology would give off specific gravitational waves that are unlike anything else we know about.

#ufos #space #aliens #astronomy #cosmology #astrobiology #astrophysics #searchforlife #spaceexploration #extraterrestrials

21h ago

From livescience.com

The Milky Way will be visible without a telescope this summer. Here are the key nights to watch for.

1 2

Summer is the best time to see the Milky Way in the Northern Hemisphere without a telescope. The key is to find clear, dark skies on moonless nights.

#space #science #astronomy

7h ago

From livescience.com

The 165-year reign of oil is coming to an end. But will we ever be able to live without it?

1 1

Like whale blubber, oil as a dominant source of energy will gradually be phased out over the next decades. Here's what that transition may look like.

#futureofenergy #sustainability #renewableenergy #energytransition

on Jun 1

From livescience.com

Computer inspired by Japanese art of paper-cutting has no electronics and stores data in tiny cubes

1 1

The new mechanical computer uses 64 physical cubes to represent binary bits and is inspired by kirigami — the Japanese art of paper-folding and cutting.

#tech #computing #Technology

2h ago

From livescience.com

'It's hard to communicate how unbelievable this is': Hurricane Beryl is the earliest Category 5 storm on record

1 1

Unprecedented sea surface temperatures have driven the powerful storm to form early in the year, sowing catastrophe across the Caribbean.

15h ago

(Showing 13 out of 13.)