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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From doi.org

Four-bar Geometry is Shared among Ecologically DivergentFish Species

1 2

Synopsis. Understanding the factors that influence morphological evolution is a major goal in biology. One such factor is the ability to acquire and proces

#biology #science #evolution #Morphology #biomechanical #morphological

on Fri, 4PM


From doi.org

PhyloBench: A Benchmark for Evaluating Phylogenetic Programs

1 1

Abstract. Phylogenetic inference based on protein sequence alignment is a widely used procedure. Numerous phylogenetic algorithms have been developed, most

#genome #biology #science #evolution #evolgen_paper

8h ago


From bbc.com

'Singing lemurs could demonstrate origin of human music'

1 1

The Madagascan singing lemurs calls have a steady beat, similar to human music.

#indris #lemurs #evolution

on Jun 26




From tatanka.site

Zheanna Erose's Album, "Circles of Indigo" (2022): A Transformative Journey

1 1

The moment you press play on Zheanna Erose's latest creation, *Circles of Indigo (2022)*, you're not just listening to an album; you're embarking on a transformative journey. This isn't merely a collection of songs but an intricate tapestry woven with threads of introspection, emotional highs,...

#dei #journey #updates #diversity #evolution #inclusion #dreamymusic #indigovibes #zheannaerose #NewMusicAlert

2h ago


From cnn.com

Modern grapes exist because the dinosaurs died out, new research finds | CNN

1 1

When an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs, new animals and plants competed to survive on a changing planet. Grapes were the unlikely winners 60 million years ago.

#biology #evolution #naturalselection

12h ago


From unsw.edu.au

Erica picked up a rock by chance 10 years ago. It might hold the oldest form of complex life on Earth

3 3

A fossil found inside a souvenir 'pet rock' could push the start of complex life on Earth back by about 750 million years.

#UNSW #fossils #science #academia #evolution #earthhistory #earthscience #geologyrocks #geology

21h ago

Showing first 13 out of 13