God's Holy Fire: 'Temples of the Holy Spirit!'
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Key Thought: When this was written, temples were the places where the gods were thought to live. More than places of worship, these were places of.....
#bible #prayer #learnaboutgod #learnaboutjesus #learnaboutholyspirit
22h ago
Jeremia 31,25 | GNB | Bibel TV
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Lies Vers 25 im Jeremia, Kapitel 31 in der "Gute Nachricht Bibel": Allen, die vor Durst erschöpft sind, gebe ich zu trinken, allen, die von Hunger gequält...
#god #gott #bibel #bible #jesus #liebe #glaube #bibeltv #hoffnung #bibelthek
15h ago
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Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit? to be out of your sight? If I climb to the sky, you’re there! If I go underground, you’re there! If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizo Even there shall thy hand lead me, And thy right hand shall hold me. Even there Your hand will...
on Sat, 7AM
Weekly Devotional 1/18/25 - 1/24/25
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Email from Mountain View Lutheran Church Welcome to the Revised Common Lectionary. Join us as we journey through the church year. Saturday, Jan. 18 through Friday, Jan. 24 Opening Prayer: God of
#joy #hope #love #bible #jesus #peace #christ #gospel #prayer #messiah
13h ago
Les Prophéties de David : Qu’est-ce que cela Signifie? 📜🤔
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Dans cette vidéo, nous explorons les prophéties liées à David et leur influence sur la notion du Messie. Nous analysons les Écritures pour comprendre leur portée et l’importance qu’elle…
#bible #david #esaie #messie #psaumes #alliance #ecritures #propheties #christianisme #recherchespirituelle
17h ago
Textes du jour Evangile au quotidien
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Évangile au quotidien : textes du jour et commentaires. Saint jour.
#dieu #bible #priere #psaumes #evangile #guerison #psaume18 #foiendieu #jesuschrist #textesdujour
on Nov 21