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From goehde.com

Die Raupe | Harrys Blog

1 1

Die Raupe Adolf Glassbrenner - Verbotene Lieder, Bern 1844 Die Raupe auf dem Baume saß, Und von der Kron' die Blätter fraß - Ja ja! Sie war im bunten Kleide, Als wie von Sammt und Seide, Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ein Staat

#Video #tiere #raupen #animals #insects #politik #Karriere #kriechen #Pterygota #arthropod

2h ago


From onegreenplanet.org

8 Ways and Reasons to Live Harmoniously with Insects

1 1

Many insects and their cohorts, as pesky as they can seem, can be a mega bonus to your garden and the environment as a whole.

#nature #insects #animalrights

9h ago


From theguardian.com

Wimbledon gardeners reuse coffee grounds in sustainability bid

3 3

More plans afoot for compostable food use, says head gardener, as tournament commits to wildlife ‘net gain’ by 2030

#press #UKnews #compost #gardens #insects #wildlife #wimbledon #Environment #Conservation #biodiversity

16h ago

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