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24 189 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From vimeo.com

SKRFF Trailer

1 1

The SKRFF_ology project began on a chilly winter day by the Donaukanal where a group of artists gathered to experiment with spray cans and a utility knife. The public&hellip;

#bwff #skrff #abstract #graffiti #animation #shortfilm #sounddesign #blindwallsgallery

20h ago


From youtube.com

- YouTube

2 2

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#scifi #animation

10h ago


From youtube.com


1 1

In a race for domination, the Continental Alliance's ambition leads to the uninhibited exploitation of planet Solstice-5. As they construct unstoppable auton...

#scifi #animation

on Jul 13


From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#2d #ad #anime #japan #magic #magical #animation #teddybear #2danimation #controlbear

on Mon, 3AM


From fediverse.tv


1 1

Um dia é da caça, o outro do caçador. E as vezes a caça tem uma bazuca mais tecnológica do que sua pistola. ALERTA DE SONS ALTOS E BARULHOS DE EXPLOSÃO! 🔊💥👂️ Originalmente este curtinha de 30 segundos foi confeccionado como exemplo para os alunos de um curso de animação cut-out que ministrei...

#dog #nes #Duck #snes #curta #short #zapper #animacao #duckhunt #animation

6h ago


From blender.org

Glass Half - Blender Studio

1 1

Exploring cartoon animation and rendering in Blender 2.6x viewport - this 2015 short film looks fantastic even in 4K.

#Blender #animation #procedural

10h ago


From blender.org


1 1

Prevent Blender from looping scene playback

#b3d #animation #blender3d

11h ago


From loma.ml

Der 10. Februar ist der 41. Tag des gregorianischen Kalenders

1 1

somit bleiben 324 Tage (in Schaltjahren 325 Tage) bis zum Jahresende. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Video-Wochenmo...

#music #animated #animation #dailyvideo

22h ago


From blender.org

Max - Blender Studio

1 1

For Blender 3.4x Eevee Max from "Glass Half". This version includes: - Added driver and parameter Model Resolution to control the Sudvision Surface Modifier Levels (default 0). Select Cogwheel bone in pose mode, in the item tab under properties, you can change the viewport resolution, Notes on...

#Blender #animation #procedural

9h ago


From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#dance #animation #pasdedeux #silentfilm #normanmclaren #silentflickersunday

on Mon, 4AM


From indiewire.com

2025 Oscar Animated Feature Nominees: 5 Directors Pick Pivotal Scenes from Their Films

2 2

Scenes from The Wild Robot, Flow, Inside Out 2, Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl, and Memoir of a Snail are analyzed by their directors.

#film #oscars #features #animation #indiewire #insideout2 #thewildrobot

7h ago

Showing first 18 out of 18