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From euronews.com

Just in - latest news timeline - International news feed in direct | Euronews

9 68

World news in a direct feed – breaking news, international news, European news, business, economics, finance, lifestyle... stay up to date with Euronews

#Bot #News

on Jan 23

From euronews.com

EU confirms steep tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles

3 3

Brussels accuses Beijing of lavishing its car-makers with enormous amounts of subsidies that lead to artificially low prices and unfair competition. #EuropeNews


6h ago

From euronews.com

Poland's Law and Justice chooses Meloni over Orbán in EU Parliament

3 3

Poland's Law and Justice (PiS) had been courted by Hungary's Viktor Orbán to join his brand new "Patriots for Europe" alliance. #EuropeNews


23h ago

From euronews.com

Parlamentswahlen in Großbritannien: Die letzten Tage des Wahlkampfs

2 2

Millionen Briten werden diese Woche in Großbritannien ihre Stimme abgeben. Die Labour-Partei kann bei den Wahlen am Donnerstag anscheinend mit einem Sieg rechnen.

#brexit #labour #tories #rishisunak #großbritannien #vereinigteskonigreich

on Wed, 4PM

From euronews.com

New report warns that the price of basic foods could soar by 2030

2 2

The price of olive oil and baked beans, among other basic products, could dramatically rise over the next few years, according to new research by the online shopping platform BravoVoucher.

#oil #Food #News #beans #sugar #economy #inflation

4h ago

From euronews.com

Italiens 5-Stelle will in Fraktion der LInken im EU-Parlament

2 2

Die Linke hat der italienischen Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung mitgeteilt, dass es "klare politische Bedingungen" gibt, bevor die Partei der Fraktion beitreten kann. #EuropeNews

#Italien #dielinke #giuseppeconte #europawahl2024 #funfsternebewegung

23h ago

From euronews.com

Video. Nachrichten des Tages | 2. Juli - Abendausgabe

1 1

Video. Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.

21h ago

From euronews.com

Video. Nachrichten des Tages | 4. Juli - Morgenausgabe

1 1

Video. Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen.

1h ago

From euronews.com

EU pushes against drugs with new Lisbon-based agency

1 2

The new European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) will work to tackle the health and security threats related to illicit drugs across the bloc focusing on the monitoring of new substances and cross-border cooperation.


on Wed, 3PM

From euronews.com

Meet the MEPs that will shape EU health policymaking

1 1

Pioneering surgeons, patient advocates, former health officials, social media personalities, and familiar faces: these are the European lawmakers to watch in the next parliamentary term.

4h ago

From euronews.com

Tesla Shares Soar as Q2 Deliveries Exceed Estimates

1 2

Tesla reported the second-quarter electric vehicle (EV) delivery number better than analysts' estimates but saw the second consecutive yearly decline, partly blamed on the closure of a German plant.

#ev #tesla #Germany

on Wed, 6AM

(Showing 20 out of 98.)