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From zippia.com

11 Ways to Spot a Psychopath at Work

1 1

Not every successful, high-energy, intelligent, charming and persuasive person is a psychopath. What should you look for if you want to spot the psychopath?

#academicchatter #corporatepsychology #workplacepsychopath

17h ago


From linkedin.com

20 Common Characteristics of the Workplace Psychopath.

1 1

The Corporate Psychopath Psychopaths are quite common in business. More so in certain industries or areas, and definitely more common as you go higher up the management chain.

#academicchatter #corporatepsychology #workplacepsychopath

17h ago


From abc.net.au

Bullies, manipulators and narcissists: Navigating psychopathic behaviours at work

1 1

Have you ever been charmed by someone at work who turned out to be a bully and a liar? That charismatic and manipulative colleague might be showing psychopathic personality traits.

#academicchatter #corporatepsychology #workplacepsychopath

on Oct 17

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