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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From clevelandart.org

Album of Daoist and Buddhist Themes: Procession of Daoist Deities: Leaf 5 | Cleveland Museum of Art

1 1

This extraordinary album has 50 paintings on a variety of religious subjects. They were likely created by several master craftsmen to share with studio apprentices as models for fulfilling commissions. The Jade Emperor and the Daoist pantheon make up the first 26 leaves. The next 14 leaves...

#daoism #buddhism #mingdynasty #clevelandart #artinspiration

on Wed, 1AM


From theinspirationgrid.com

Dreamlike Large-Scale Murals by Doras | Inspiration Grid

1 1

Doras is an award-winning artist, muralist and illustrator known for turning urban landscapes into massive works of art with a modern fantasy style.

#art #murals #artinspo #mastoart #streetart #inspiration #artinspiration #inspirationgrid

1h ago

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