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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From nomoreransom.org

Home | The No More Ransom Project

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Ransomware is malware that locks your computer and mobile devices or encrypts your electronic files. When this happens, you can’t get to the data unless you pay a ransom. However this is not guaranteed and you should never pay!

#cryakl #crylock #Ransomware #cybersecurite

4h ago


From rtbf.be

Deux ressortissants russes face à la justice belge : ils sont suspectés d’avoir piraté des milliers d’entreprises

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Deux ressortissants russes, un homme de 40 ans et une femme de 44 ans, comparaîtront ce vendredi devant le tribunal...

#rtbf #cryakl #crylock #Ransomware #cybersecurite

on Fri, 7AM

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