Spain Overhauls Domestic Violence System After Criticism
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Spain uses an algorithm to score how likely a domestic violence victim is to be abused again. A Times investigation last year identified flaws in the system.
#law #tech #spain #Police #autosum #software #legaltech #womenandgirls #domesticviolence #computersandtheinternet
14h ago
Spain Overhauls Domestic Violence System After Criticism
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Spain uses an algorithm to score how likely a domestic violence victim is to be abused again. A Times investigation last year identified flaws in the system.
#News #spain #Police #nieuws #software #womenandgirls #domesticviolence #computersandtheinternet
23h ago
Big promises made and delayed in WA's north, as Labor seeks new term
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Premier Roger Cook has pitched Labor's "vision for the Kimberley" ahead of the state election, but 10 promised projects are yet to get off the ground.
#essedeves #myakordic #healthpolicy #vanessamills #justicesystem #domesticviolence #stateandterritoryelections #stateandterritorygovernment
6h ago