The Dangerous Slow Cooker Mistake Experts Are Warning About
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Avoid This Common Slow Cooker Mistake Grace Cary – Getty Images You might there you know all there is to know about your slow cooker, but if your model comes with metal clamps on the side near the handles, listen up. Those clamps are designed for portability, not cooking. “Clamps keep the lid in...
#News #slow #cooker #cooking #experts #mistake #Featured #dangerous #metalclamps #sarahgregory
22h ago
CNN defamation case foreshadows Trump media crackdown, experts say | CNN
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A combative defamation trial in Florida, involving CNN and a former US security contractor in Afghanistan, is providing a roadmap for a crackdown on media independence during the second Trump administration, experts believe. The case was already unusual because CNN chose to defend itself and...
#cnn #hot #Case #News #Trump #media #world #experts #gallery #crackdown
22h ago