Domes Noruz Mykonos Hotel / Urban Soul Project
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Completed in 2023 in Greece. Images by Anima Vision. Nestled in Agios Stefanos Bay, Domes Noruz Mykonos is just ten minutes from Mykonos town. Inspired by the ageless allure of Cycladic minimalism, this...
#hotels #interiordesign #hotelsinteriors #hospitalityinteriors #hospitalityarchitecture
15h ago
Sabiaguaba Gastronomic Complex / Architectus S/S
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Completed in 2022 in Brazil. Images by Joana França. Sea and River. Fresh water and salt water. The meeting of the river and the sea in the Sabiaguaba region in Fortaleza offers one of the most...
#urbanism #publicspace #restaurants #urbandesign #hospitalityarchitecture
7h ago
STOCK T.C Culinary Emporium / Giannone Petricone Associates Inc. Architects
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Completed in 2023 in Toronto, Canada. Images by Stephanie Palmer, Riley Snelling, Doublespace Photography. This culinary emporium – the first collaboration between two of Giannone Petricone Associates' long-time clients, Toronto food empresarios Cosimo...
#retail #restaurants #grocerystore #commercialarchitecture #hospitalityarchitecture
4h ago