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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From spookygirl.boo

Spookygirl Social Club

2 2

The spooky girl social club is a private instance run by @amy for sex workers, and select friends.

#cat #sfw #meme #monday

19h ago


From spookygirl.boo

Spookygirl Social Club

1 1

The spooky girl social club is a private instance run by @amy for sex workers, and select friends.

#cat #sfw #meme #monday

19h ago


From spookygirl.boo

Spookygirl Social Club

1 1

The spooky girl social club is a private instance run by @amy for sex workers, and select friends.

#cat #sfw #meme #monday

19h ago


From cnn.com

How Americans will feel the impact of Trump’s weather forecasting layoffs | CNN

1 1

Scientists and politicians are sounding the alarm about potential consequences of the layoffs, including keeping people safe and protecting the economy.

#us #monday #america #mothernature #climatechange #globalwarming #deposekingtrump

on Mar 3


From nbcnews.com

How Trump united Canada against him and flipped its election upside down

1 3

A bitter taste of Trump has inspired newfound patriotism among Canadians and dampened the electoral prospects of the Canadian political party most aligned with him.

#us #greed #canada #monday #america #autocracy #capitalism #corruption #dictatorship #kingofamerica

on Sat, 10PM


From dietzberlin.de

Friedrich Engels oder: Wie ein »Cotton-Lord« den Marxismus erfand - Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin

1 1

Ist von Friedrich Engels die Rede, denkt man an Karl Marx; umgekehrt ist das seltener der Fall. Engels selbst sprach von sich als der »zweiten Violine«. Mehr als eine Handvoll Engels-Biografien gibt es bis heute nicht, kein Vergleich mit dem Rummel um Marx und den Konjunkturen der...

#marx #work #class #arbeit #engels #klasse #monday #karlmarx #marxismus #lohnarbeit

on Nov 28


From independent.ie

St Patrick’s Day in Dublin: Tens of thousands line streets as parade gets underway

1 1

Tens of thousands of people have filled the streets of Dublin to watch Ireland’s national St Patrick’s Day parade, with children, adults and visitors from across the world packed into the city centre as the spectacle gets underway.

#dublin #monday #ireland #stpatrick #tensofthousands

14h ago

Showing first 8 out of 9