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Correlated tags: #brain


From news-cafe.eu

[video] Google unveils groundbreaking quantum chip Willow - News Cafe

1 1

The tech giant claims it is capable of performing in 5 minutes calculations that would take modern supercomputers 10 septillion years.

#AI #News #chip #tech #Willow #google #quantum #science #research #Technology

12h ago


From quantum-journal.org

Negative Wigner function by decaying interaction from equilibrium

1 1

Michal Kolář and Radim Filip, Quantum 8, 1566 (2024). Bosonic systems with negative Wigner function superposition states are fundamentally witnessing nonlinear quantum dynamics beyond linearized systems and, recently, have become essential reso…

#paper #quantum #research #OpenScience

17h ago


From quantum-journal.org

Quantum simulation of time-dependent Hamiltonians via commutator-free quasi-Magnus operators

1 1

Pablo Antonio Moreno Casares, Modjtaba Shokrian Zini, and Juan Miguel Arrazola, Quantum 8, 1567 (2024). Hamiltonian simulation is arguably the most fundamental application of quantum computers. The Magnus operator is a popular method for time-dependent Hamiltonian simulation in computational m…

#paper #quantum #research #OpenScience

17h ago


From quantum-journal.org

Fiat-Shamir for Proofs Lacks a Proof Even in the Presence of Shared Entanglement

1 1

Frédéric Dupuis, Philippe Lamontagne, and Louis Salvail, Quantum 8, 1568 (2024). We explore the cryptographic power of arbitrary shared physical resources. The most general such resource is access to a fresh entangled quantum state at the outset of each protocol executio…

#paper #quantum #research #OpenScience

16h ago


From quantum-journal.org

No-Regret Learning and Equilibrium Computation in Quantum Games

1 1

Wayne Lin, Georgios Piliouras, Ryann Sim, and Antonios Varvitsiotis, Quantum 8, 1569 (2024). As quantum processors advance, the emergence of large-scale decentralized systems involving interacting quantum-enabled agents is on the horizon. Recent research efforts have explored quantu…

#paper #quantum #research #OpenScience

16h ago


From quantum-journal.org

Quantum Kernel Machine Learning With Continuous Variables

1 1

Laura J. Henderson, Rishi Goel, and Sally Shrapnel, Quantum 8, 1570 (2024). The popular qubit framework has dominated recent work on quantum kernel machine learning, with results characterising expressivity, learnability and generalisation. As yet, there is no compa…

#paper #quantum #research #OpenScience

15h ago


From infoq.com

Post-Quantum Cryptography in Java

1 4

A pair of new JEPs arriving in Java 24 provide an initial Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) capability in Java.

#java #quantum #postquantum #programming #cryptography

on Mon, 8AM


From theregister.com

Quantum anxiety sees Australia ban some crypto tech by 2030

3 5

The likes of SHA-256, RSA, ECDSA and ECDH won't be welcome in just five years

#privacy #quantum #downunder #cryptography

on Tue, 4AM


From earth.com

Quantum entanglement, not oil or coal, powers a new kind of engine

1 2

Quantum technology has been attracting a lot of attention in recent years thanks to computers that exploit atomic properties and now engines.

#bosons #energy #physics #quantum #science #fermions #innovation #entanglement #quantummechanics

on Mon, 7AM


From techcrunch.com

Google says its new quantum chip indicates that multiple universes exist

2 23

Google on Monday announced Willow, its latest, greatest quantum computing chip. The speed and reliability performance claims Google's made about this chip were newsworthy in themselves, but what really caught the tech industry's attention was an even wilder claim tucked into the blog post about...

#neet #space #biology #physics #quantum #science #astronomy #chemistry #physicsfun #engineering

on Thu, 3PM

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