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From usgs.gov

Hydrogeologic investigation, framework, and conceptual flow model of the Antlers aquifer, southeastern Oklahoma, 1980–2022

1 1

The 1973 Oklahoma Groundwater Law (Oklahoma Statute §82–1020.5) requires that the Oklahoma Water Resources Board conduct hydrologic investigations of the State’s groundwater basins to support a determination of the maximum annual yield for each groundwater basin. Every 20 years, the Oklahoma...

#gis #tds #flow #ions #pump #test #model #water #yield #aquifer

22h ago


From sciencebase.gov

Soil-water-balance model and data used in the hydrogeologic investigation, framework, and conceptual flow model of the Antlers aquifer, southeastern Oklahoma, 1967–2022 - ScienceBase-Catalog

1 1

This archive contains the data used to (1) summarize the hydrogeology and update the hydrogeologic framework of the Antlers aquifer in southeastern Oklahoma, and (2) develop a conceptual groundwater-flow model and water budget to estimate recharge to the Antlers aquifer during 1980–2022 as part...

#gis #tds #flow #ions #pump #test #model #water #yield #aquifer

23h ago

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