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DURING MUCH OF Barbara Dane’s lifetime, I seldom thought of her as a musical giant. She was, after all, my stepmother and that relationship, as it so often is, could be complicated. Yet in th…
#music #uspol #history #folkmusic #sociology #barbaradane #civilrights #protestmusic #socialjustice #agaiinstthecurrent
4h ago
From umn.edu
Sam Franz named as the 2025-2026 CBI Tomash Fellow
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MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (03/21/2025) — We are thrilled to announce that University of Pennsylvania ABD in the History and Sociology of Science Sam Franz is the incoming Erwin and Adelle Tomash Fellow for next academic year. Prior to entering the Penn HSS Doctoral Program, Franz earned his BA with...
#tech #history #computing #sociology
1h ago