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From editorafi.org

Weberianismo à brasileira • Editora Fi • Acesso Aberto

1 1

Marcos César Seneda; Bruna dos Santos Bolda; Henrique Florentino Faria Custódio; Luiz Sérgio Duarte da Silva (Orgs.) • A obra de Max Weber abarca um amplo arco de disciplinas, expedientes metodológicos e problemas, que sempre manifestaram força para se interpretar o Brasil. Contudo, para se...

#history #historia #maxweber #filosofia #sociology #philosophy #sociologia

16h ago

From helsinki.fi

Two Postdoctoral Researchers in Urban Anthropology of Africa

1 1

Two Postdoctoral Researchers in Urban Anthropology of Africa

#urban #sociology

18h ago

From lse.ac.uk

Assistant Professor in Sociology

1 1

Assistant Professor in Sociology, , <p style="text-align: center;"><em><span>As an equal opportunities employer strongly committed to diversity and inclusion, we&nbsp;encourage applications from women and those of Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic backgrounds as they are currently...

#urban #sociology #urbansociology

18h ago

From technologyreview.com

How Silicon Valley is disrupting democracy

1 18

Two books explore the price we’ve paid in handing over unprecedented power to Big Tech—and explain why it’s imperative we start taking it back.

#tech #society #Politics #business #sociology #Technology #government #Entrepreneur #siliconvalley

on Sun, 2PM