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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From linux.pizza

Erik L. Midtsveen 🏴🏳️‍🌈 (@midtsveen@social.linux.pizza)

1 1

Hi again! My ThinkPad E14 Gen4 is bidding farewell to QubesOS due to minimum RAM. I've had an enjoyable experience using it over the past few months while my laptop could handle a few VMs, I eventually encountered RAM limitations. Currently installing Debian on my laptop's internal ~230GB NVMe...

#love #xfce #linux #debian #qubesos

23h ago


From xfce.org

Download of sun astronomical data failed with HTTP Status Code 403, Reason phrase: Forbidden (#88) · Issues · Panel Plugins / xfce4-weather-plugin · GitLab

1 1

The weather plugin has recently stopped displaying any data. Running PANEL_DEBUG=weather xfce4-panel gives the following relevant output:


11h ago

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