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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From ghuntley.com

Can a LLM convert C, to ASM to specs and then to a working Z/80 Speccy tape? Yes.

8 8

Damien Guard nerd sniped me and other folks wanted more proof that it is now cheap, easy and possible to cheaply rewrite software or clone existing "source available" businesses (see bottom of the post). So, let's get cracking by creating a toy application by sending this prompt to the LLM.

#asm #z80 #wand #magic #ngated #ycombinator #digitalalchemy #llm #hackernews

17h ago


From samcoupe.com

www.samcoupe.com - Quick Shop page, prices include UK shipping...

1 2

Quazar - a SAM Coupe developer - New hardware, software and SAM Revival magazine for the SAM Coupe. Celebrating 32 years of supporting the SAM Coupe.

#c64 #z80 #rc2014 #graphics #hardware #indiedev #samcoupe #soundchip #zxspectrum #electronics

on Fri, 8PM

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