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Users: 620 total, 2 today.

Posts: 61.5k total, 10 today.

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assemblag.es is a Mastodon instance for people interested in thinking creatively and critically about technology, in the broadest sense. The only requirement is that you keep to the code of conduct!Note: we've paused new signups for a few days while we deal with the #twittermigration influx - please do request an invite, but be aware that for now functions more like a 'waiting list' than a knock on the door, until our numbers stabilise again :-)

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Hourly Posts

A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

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#AI(7.1%) #energy(4.8%) #unions(4.8%) #fossilfuel(4.8%) #datacenters(4.8%) #supplychain(4.8%) #ila(2.4%) #lng(2.4%) #uaw(2.4%) #usc(2.4%) #cawx(2.4%) #gaza(2.4%) #nlrb(2.4%) #dansk(2.4%) #essay(2.4%) #natur(2.4%) #union(2.4%) #972mag(2.4%) #amazon(2.4%) #lernen(2.4%)

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assemblag.es blocks or silences 0 domains:

    Data from 2025-01-01 23:59:25.325882