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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From youtube.com

1936 - Remington Rand Strike, Ohio 220572-05 | Footage Farm

1 1

Footage Farm is a historical audio-visual library. The footage in this video constitutes an unedited historical document and has been uploaded for research p...

#Ohio #riot #scab #union #Police #strike #fakenews #syracuse #vigilante #propaganda

23h ago


From iww.org.uk

Wildcat #47 (July 2024) Out Now - Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

1 1

The IWW Newsletter for July 2024 is out now and can be accessed here. In this issue: – Escapehunt Workers’ Ballot – Syndicalism is Not a Crime – London Anti-Fascist Assembly – Solidarity Call for Toby Shone …and much more!…

#iww #union #solidarity #directaction

14h ago


From zoom.us

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: War in Gaza - Voices of Palestinian Workers . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.

1 1

The National Labor Network for Ceasefire hosts a conversation with Palestinian trade union leaders. We’ll hear from representatives of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate and the General Union of Transport and Communications Workers on their struggle to live, work, and organize under...

#union #uaw4811 #palestine #laborforpalestine

17h ago


From tagesschau.de

Union fordert sofortiges Handeln gegen ausländische Gewalttäter

2 2

Der tödliche Angriff auf einen 20-Jährigen in Bad Oeynhausen hat zuletzt eine neue Debatte über Integration ausgelöst. Im Bundestag forderte nun CDU-Chef Merz schnelleres Handeln bei ausländischen Gewalttätern.

#union #bundestag #migration #autogewalt #tempolimit #abschiebungen

21h ago


From cnn.com

Two Union soldiers to posthumously receive Medal of Honor for carrying out daring mission behind Confederate lines | CNN Politics

1 1

Two Union soldiers from the American Civil War are being posthumously awarded with the Medal of Honor by President Joe Biden on Wednesday, more than 160 years after being executed for their part in a daring mission against the Confederacy.

#Biden #union #combahee #confederate #medalofhonor #blackmastodon #harriettubman

20h ago


From lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com

Starbucks Workers Moving Toward Contract - Lawyers, Guns & Money

1 3

As soon as Starbucks sidelined Howard Schultz’s disastrous return as CEO, it started moving to real contract negotiations with the workers in its stores who had decided to unionize. The rest of the company finally realized it made a lot more sense to sit down and be done with this than deal with...

#union #unions #starbucks

on Sat, 7PM


From spiegel.de

Steffi Lemke verkündet Stopp von Klimaprojekten in China

3 3

Deutsche Ölkonzerne sollen von betrügerischen Klimaprojekten in China profitiert haben. Die Aktivitäten wurden laut Umweltministerin Lemke zum 1. Juli eingestellt, doch die Union schäumt.

#CDU #csu #union #kriminell #klimakrise #klimaschutz #steffilemke #zertifikate #umweltministerium #VolksrepublikChina

21h ago


From thestar.com

‘Monumental’: Migrant workers at mushroom farms join union

1 1

Representatives of United Food and Commercial Workers hope it will be an inspiration for other vulnerable workers toiling in the agri-food industry.

#ufcw #union #Canada #unions #classwar #sumitomo #abbotsford #capitalism #immigration #exploitation

19h ago


From facebook.com

Richard Clinton Maenpaa

1 1

#Project2025 #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern #JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Trump believes fight against DAESH achieved goal...

#blm #sdf #DACA #metoo #union #nodapl #occupy #humanity #corpmedia #megabanks

10h ago

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