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Posts: 14.7k total, 4 today.

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This is the Mastodon Pilot instance run by SURF for the Dutch research and education community - more info https://surf.nl/mastodon-pilot

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Hourly Posts

A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

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#research(3.6%) #science(2.7%) #openaccess(2.7%) #OpenScience(2.7%) #cheminformatics(2.7%) #python(1.8%) #BigTech(1.8%) #histone(1.8%) #chemistry(1.8%) #climatechange(1.8%) #cultuurbeleid(1.8%) #AI(0.9%) #fsf(0.9%) #gnu(0.9%) #Troy(0.9%) #aivd(0.9%) #care(0.9%) #dosa(0.9%) #fair(0.9%) #mivd(0.9%)

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social.edu.nl blocks or silences 0 domains:

    Data from 2024-07-04 00:29:00.157014